Memory like a sieve...
I still cling to thinking it's a trick time lapse thing, one deer moving around over x minutes, camera in steady position, not that I'd know how to do that.. maybe that's my fantasy. The top of the photo is clear, especially if I look at other copies of it with more in the photo - there are some on google images. And while albino's are rare, known in that area.
And in that article about him, it brought out his interest in time. But - I get your point about the light and figure you may be right. On the other hand, it's not all that dark out, will post another version from another website. The grass is quite dark and the whites quite white, high contrast.
Among the subtleties that make me think I'm wrong, would one moving deer over time have the same speed in each frame? No. Jump around in space? No.
Maybe Boomer knows the background to it.
Posted on blogspot by Renato Maestri.