Roberta wrote: Intesting idea to have a beach at the zoo where people can interact with penguins.
The UK's DailyMail is full of photos showing off the new penguin beach/pool (here are a couple). It's really very impressive. I'm not generally a fan of zoos or aquariums, but the penguins and the kids look like they're having a great time.

With a beach, pool and round-the-clock childcare, it has everything a pampered penguin could want.
And judging by all the exciting splashing and diving yesterday, the inhabitants are delighted to be in their new home.
London Zoo yesterday unveiled England's largest penguin pool, a spectacular enclosure that will one day house a 200-strong breeding colony.

Window on wildlife: One-year-old zoo visitor Macu Rorke watches the penguins through one of the underwater viewing areas.