OK - goils and bois...
here's a question - I have a visitor!!!!! It's the most magnificent MistleThrush and he's knock knock knockin on my door - well, my window actually.
It's is quite bizarre. This is happening every day now. I kept hearing these noises upstairs and thought one of the kitties was playing with a marble on the floor in the bedroom next to mine. Then.... when I realised both kitties were downstairs - took a peek in ... and there sits this beautiful boid - pecking the window outside - as if he wants to come in. It's really bizarre. I walked in - he flew away. Came back and even tho I am moving in the room - he's watching where I'm going. I can't be more than 2 meters from him whilst taking lots of pics (through the dirty windows) - then he flies up, hovers, land back down on the window sill. Knocks.... flies up. I have NO CLUE what he's doing. I can sit right beside him with the glass between us (too close for pics tho).
Anyhoo. I did ask someone because I was so gobsmacked - this thrush (big boy) does this for hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally hours. The chap I spoke to who is semi-Dr Doolittle said that he could be pecking the sealant/putty from the windows for nesting.
Whaddya reckon?
Any ideas?
I desperately want to open the window and let him come in - but I know he'll flap and panic and end up getting hurt. I can sit nose to beak to him at the window. Just amazing.
Will post some pics later. Luverly backyard boid!