Nice photo of goldfish and feline, Roberta. "My, what big eyes you have!" says Phishy.
I wish I could post a picture of our "tame" mockingbird, but he won't sit for the camera. He comes three or four times a day to peck on our kitchen window, the signal that he wants his next ration of raisins. So we trek out to the picnic table and set out three Sunmaids. He sits on the opposite side of the table until we've stepped back a couple of feet. Then he hops to it, gobbling them 1,2,3, and he's off. Not so much as a polite burp in thanks. He'll only ever eat three raisins, regardless of how many extra we sit out. But then he's back an hour or so later wanting three more.
Here's a picture of his abandoned nest atop an "ice tree." Not sure where his digs are this winter, but they're bound to be close by. He's outback all the day long. It's a bit cold here, as you can tell from the icicle.