Tigershark, Love the gorilla-kitten pic. Thanks mucho. And I didn't say the croc was a beauty. Juat said I loved its face. Not all great faces are pretty. In fact it looks a little goofy to me. I like that. Of course goofy become irrelevant when all those teeth are lunging at you. Glad you were fleet of foot.
Yeah, I was assured that there would be no crocs for at least 3 weeks when I went fishing, but under no circumstances should I cool off by swimming in the estuary because of bull sharks. Nice place

and the crocs were early that year
After long days, I find this thread detoxifying. Thank you Roberta and all who participate.
The Egret is common in the marsh by us.
One of my favorites..the Irish Wolfhound aka The Gentle Giant. Also considered to be one of the tallest breed dog.
Tigershark, Yes, bull sharks in estuaries. Very dangerous!!!
Alex, I'm glad you find this thread detoxifying. To me it's a safe haven. That is a possitively stunning picture. I saw egrets when I was on vacation in Florida many years ago.
reg, The Rhodesian ridgeback. Great and impressive dog. I saw one walking down Lexington Avenue a few years ago. The owner was surprised I knew what it was. Hard to miss.
TTH, Irish wolfhounds. Another great breed. (OK, I admit it. I never met a dog I didn't like.) The photo you posted reminds me of my own experiences with my cousin's great Dane. When she stood on her hind legs, she towered over me. She tried sitting on my lap a few times. It didn't work, but I applauded her effort.
You are right Roberta. Definitely not lap dogs
Here are a couple pictures of Flamingos that I took when I was in Cancun.
Thanks, TTH. Those flamingos are being fed lots of shrimp. I wouldn't mind having some myself.
Tigershark wrote:Remember this one? How about a few foster mum pics?

I looked for foster mother stuff. No luck. Found interspecies friendships.
Oh gosh Roberta et al - backtracking a little here... (sorry) ... but they are stunning - they look as though they are ice-dancing - as soon as I saw that pic I thought of Bolero - k, got a visual in my head there - how serene and dignified they are... just lovely.
K- back where you were all are at...apologies for digressing - just ... one of those "ooooh moments" where an image conjures up real strong emotion. Have a great day everyone
Francis, Two ahhh moments. Wonderful shots. Thanks, kid.
Izzie, For goodness' sake, why are you apologizing? Backtrack all you want. That is one spectacular photo. I love the reflection of the wing in the water. And another ahhh for the Torvill and Dean. Thanks to you too, kid.
Wonderful hoopoe, gus. Thanks, kiddo.
I was looking for more interspecies friendships and found another adoptive mother:
Not quite sure if these are friends or a mother/orphan: