Miz Wolf, that's interesting...of course, it's not a hard and fast rule, if something bothers you in others, you do it yourself. It just seems to happen fairly often.
The examples you mention-- drama queen, rudeness-- maybe it's easier with concrete ideas, like, "It's rude to pick your nose in public, and I hate it when people do it." Well, someone with that as a personal rule probably isn't going to pick their nose in public, and they'd
know it if they did-- it's not a trait you'd have and not realize you had.
But with a more subtle thing-- "It bothers me when people remember an event wrongly, so that they come off looking better," for example-- it's harder to pick up on if that's something you actually do yourself. I think that's often the kind of thing that it happens with. I know someone who
often mentions how so-and-so annoys her because they "re-write history." Well, you'll never guess who
else does that!
She, of course, doesn't for a minute think she does it.