Re: bush Makes Himself Clear
Sturgis wrote:I know it will shock, nay, offend you even; but, there is truth to the above statement made by George. Are the two sides planning to continue along their "Screw you" ways of thinking or are they planning to get down to business and actually for the first time in decades...hell, maybe even centuries... do something for the good of the country not just their pockets? Mind you this mentality applies to BOTH sides, not just Democrat or Republican. Both are guilty of it. In recent weeks all I have heard from the Democrats lips has been how they will do this that and the other. Sorry, but I've heard that before and it always ends up being nothing which they end up doing which inevitably brings power back to the other side of the aisle. Again, this applies to both parties.
This would be hilarious, if it weren't so disgusting. The Shrub--Mr. "I'm a uniter not a divider"--is responsible for the Republican debacle in the midterm elections. If there is a "screw you way of thinking," it can be laid squarely at the door of this administration, and the former Republican-controlled Congress. The Shrub is not calling for compromise and bi-partisan cooperation, he is calling for the Democrats to roll over and play his game the way he wants to play and has done for six years. The Democrats took control of Congress because the majority of those who voted in 2006 don't want to continue the Shrub's policies, and because the Republicans were seen as basically corrupt. Most of the hilarity comes from you talking about Democrats doing something for their pockets, rather than the country. If the country didn't think that Republicans were acting only with regard to their pockets, rather than the good of the country, there'd have been no electoral disaster for the Republicans.
In the quoted MSNBC article, the Shrub is calling for the Democratic Congress to help him "win the war"--despite the undeniable fact that a majority of Americans consider his Iraq policy a failure. He is calling on the Democrats to pass a budget which would make his tax cuts permanent, and to offer tax relief to small businesses--although the latter might be a useful policy, if it were genuine, which i doubt, he has tied that to an increase in the minimum wage. All that the Shrub is doing is attempting to demonize the Democrats in advance of the implementation of their agenda--and they are advancing an agenda the promise of which won them the mid-term elections.
He's not looking for bi-partisan cooperation, he's attempting to get his own way--and he's pouting because he doesn't have a rubber stamp Congress. Even Republican Richard Lugar is quoted as saying that the Shrub is inclined "to not take Congress very seriously" on Iraq policy. If he can't get his own way, he's setting himself up to throw a hissy fit and blame the Congress for the failure of his fantasy policies.
I can't believe you're so naive as to think that there is any reason to trust his good faith--he's attempted since the day one to rule imperially, without regard to the expressed will of the people, in Congress represented. Now he faces a hostile Congress precisely because Americans are fed up with his policies. Get real, Sturgis.