Look! Up in the sky! It's Super Reds! Able to argue Marxian dialectics at the speed of sound! More powerful than the capitalist class! Able to bend the means of production against it's masters with their bare hands! And who, disguised as mild-mannered German philosophers, fight a neverending battle of class struggle for the proletariat of the world!
Well thats a chance COMMIEFORCE is just going to have to take......
going from universe to universe fighting the NRA in a damn timemachine.
d00d, you guys just BLEW my MIND.
You are forgetting temporal inertia! Every time traveler knows that changing the past by killing a few key figures does not change the timeline significantly.
The temporal momentum is just too great.
I'm not certain that killing Princip would have accomplished much.
As I understand it, the nations of Europe, with their colonies, were just looking for an excuse to have it out in a war anyway, Princip's action was just that excuse. It is quite likely that without Princip's shot, the same war with the same nations on each side would have broken out anyway, only commencing with a different excuse to start.
The same thing with the Marxist principles. They were hardly created by Marx. He just happened to write a book about the existing conditions and a possible solution which the Russian revolutionists didn't really follow.
Marx didn't create the situation that eventually sparked the Communist revolution or the labor strife in many countries. Nor did Marx create the petty dictators that promised a Marx utopia and never even tried to deliver on it. Killing Marx doesn't change anything. Someone else would have written it.
NickFun wrote:Actually, if you go back in time and kill Marx you would travel forward into another universe of reality but the universe you left behind would remain unaffected. This falls in line with relativity and a host of things that I don't even want to try to explain as I don't comprehend them fully myself....
I'd love to see a citation for this one.
Chumly wrote:kelticwizard wrote:I'm not certain that killing Princip would have accomplished much.
As I understand it, the nations of Europe, with their colonies, were just looking for an excuse to have it out in a war anyway, Princip's action was just that excuse. It is quite likely that without Princip's shot, the same war with the same nations on each side would have broken out anyway, only commencing with a different excuse to start.
Temporal inertia!
Forget temporal inertia, I would be more worried about a time paradox. The whole kill your father and you won't be born type thing. Or even worse is the possibility that another whole time line woud be created to replace to one you came from.
I watch Star Trek so I know what I'm talking about what it comes to time travel, word up! Temporal inertia kicks time paradox's butt any day, word!
You mean Karl Marx is OmSigDAVID FATHER!!!!!
We got a movie. Phil collins can be the reporter, the PI
This is rapidly becoming the funniest thread on a2k...
Amigo wrote:You mean Karl Marx is OmSigDAVID FATHER!!!!!
We got a movie. Phil collins can be the reporter, the PI
Only if we can have Karl say in a deep robot voice. "David I am your father!"
Only then will I watch the movie.
Bizarre! Kudos to Parados and Keltic for providing the sensible answers - and to the rest for making me laugh :wink: