oooh. maybe I can email i to myself and then printed. but it came on an email. i'll try it
I really should stop playing on A2K and do my work. Oh bother!
I'm so glad all those people finally left so I can get back to, work.
i think i'll ask that on the food thread.
what foot thread? tell tell
does your podiatrist know about this?
Oh no, now they know about the foot fetish.....oh dear
and which little piggy went to where?
and for whose gratification?
No, no, no, that was the boot thread....
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dill and cucumber
I wonder what time my boss will let us go today?
I am torn, in fact I'm rent asunder. The senior Oak, that is my lady wife, mentioned holidays today and said Spain. In a flash of a lamb's tail I said Florida. She retorted SPAIN. So now I'm in pain
Fragile, fading 37,
she wears her wedding ring like a trance
and stares straight down at an empty coffee cup
as if she were looking into the mouth of a dead bird.
Dinner is over. Her husband has gone to the toilet.
He will be back soon and then it will be her turn
to go to the toilet.
sleep............I need sleep
Are you coming to Florida? Please do..............