Dunk, honey. and I don't mean donuts
Dunk ? as in putting people on the ducking stool over a large, deep pond & dunking them in as a punishment
Well, Raggedy. They called it book on tapes, cause actors/actresses have a similar link to the suggested book....
Jeremy Irons/Book on golf..geddit?
Incidentally, I'm not a roundball fan, but Michael Jordan was the king of the slam dunk...
I swear "dunk" was called something else when I played basketall. But, then I don't remember keeping score either. (lol).
And what am I missing? Why is the puzzle called "Books on Tape"?
Well, OAK man, I see you're not a fan of baskeball either
Oh, I see now.

I forgot what the clues were. That was a whole week ago. I'm in good shape if I can remember yesterday. :lol
Well, Raggedy, I'm assuming that if one purchased a tape with someone famous reading the book, that would be the connection.
For example, were it you, You might be reading, The Raggedy Man, should the puzzle have been poems on tape and OAK Would have been reading "The Old Oaken Bucket" should the theme have been "Songs on Tape."

And I have no idea what Letty would have been reading, unless it would be Ian Fleming because of Letty's resemblance to Ursula Andress in Dr.No.
Raggedy, If I had a body to match Ursula's (back then) I'd be taking a ride on the Reading Railroad to see if I could get in touch with Bill Gates' monopoly.
Hey, this discussion would make a great thread, don't 'ya think?
I'm confused. Time for a little music, VERY, VERY LOUD MUSIC
I was wondering what they were talking about!
fealola and Oak man. We were talking about the New York Times puzzle. So sorry.
I will try a new thread later, folks. Think I'll post it to the Books category.
Hmmmm. What would feaola be reading? Ah, I have it. She would be reading the lyrics to "The old Fealola Roll Blues"
Turn down that music, OAK, or I'll box your ears.
hmm, I'd better pick up that Anne Tyler book again. It's been a couple of days..
Ah, Letty, I was going to keep it a secret.
Fealola, Oak: The puzzle went like this:
Green Eggs and Ham as read by actor ______
Raise the Titanic as read by actor ___________
And now, sweet Letty is going to start a similar thread. GOODIE!.
Green Eggs and Ham as read by Porky the Pig?
Raise the Titanic as read by Peter Berg?
Letty ,,,,,,,,,,, my mum used to threaten to box my ears, but I told her, she couldn't box apples
Well, This is your Mum speakin', brat. Boxing oranges ain't easy, but I've done it. Wanna shadow box?