Hmm, today it is so hot and humid in Tejas I think there might be nothing in my head.
Note to self.....cook the bacon in the microwave next time.
she must have burned the bacon.
Or the top of the stove. That coulda happened, too.
that reminds me. drink more water. i'm still in a fog. sunstroke.
Don't forget the SPF 8 before going to the pool tomorrow.
8! is she kidding? prolly not <<sigh>>
what the heck is going on with I.? things seem to be getting worse down there.
let's not mess with the heat. Up is where it oughta go.....hee hee
I was not speaking of that heat Lola
I never get any takers anymore
Magnolia blossoms...............
I was actually teasing you Rae - Claudette's just a fast moving thunderstorm here in Houston - further south they're having harsher weather than I am here!
Ah well, I was close with 'Claudia'. I'm glad you aren't seeing and serious side effects, mac11. I'm sure FL will be next.
No, not Florida! I'm soon off to vacation there. No, no, not Florida.
Political foodfight.
I'm making lasagne tomorrow.
I can practically smell it.