Is good then Rae. Just how it should be
<fainting dead away with the HI from dys>
Yep, all is right with the world.
I'm alive. Happy. In good spirits. Can't ask for more.
it's all very interesting.
who was that man?
Good grief, that guy is going to get a big hat...
too many phone calls at once. call him back
long day and now I've missed all my a2k friends..........ah well, there's tomorrow night...........
next week, exciting happenings going on..........yes!
Wow, it must be nice to be a man. All Dys has to do is say, "Hi" and wink. It's not fair, I tell you...
I should be carving.I really should.
bicycles-sex, i keep telling myself no matter how long its been I won't forget how.
too much talking in my head
i dunno. sex on a bicycle is definitely something you need to keep, well, practicing. cuz, you could, you know, fall off.