She's a big, healthy girl. Can bare lots of grandbabies.
I read somewhere that the human brain makes a billion computations a second. I want to know, who counted? Is there a list somewhere?
strawberry in bellybutton
(note: of the previous several posts, only one could possibly apply to Martha Stewart, 'handcuffs', but in exactly the wrong way) This terminates all glimpses into my head.
once in a great while, the line beween fantasy and reality disappears. (like deer tracks in the snow)
did the deer take flight ? did it think it was a pig who'd learnt to fly, as in the old adage
Jackie, hi there --- If you can get away it, go for it.
I've taken a break from cutting the grass. It's quite hot today but rain is a coming tomorrow. So Mrs. Oak said, pick up thy mower and go forth. soooooooooooooooooo........................I did.