Observation: Evidently, the Universe got along just fine for a long, long, long time before we came to be.
Observation: Evidently, Socio-religious constructs and god concepts are unique on this planet to humankind.
Observation: Evidently, we - humankind - sentient natives of the planet we now commonly call Terra or Earth - have a long and varied history of religio-social constructs and god concepts, some extant, some extinct, many contradictory, most if not all claiming primacy for themselves and declaring that the others be in error.
Observation: Evidently, societies and cultures subscribing to a mind-bogglingly broad assortment of essentially conflicting, exclusionary religio-social constructs and god concepts, and even to no religio-social construct or god concept, have appeared and thrived, often simultaneously, throughout history back even into prehistory and forward to the present day.
Observation: Evidently, one thing that safely may be said of religio-social constructs and god concepts is that there have been and are myriad religio-social constructs and god concepts strongly and foundationally at odds with one another.
Observation: Evidently, there exists no generally accepted, planetarilly universal religio-social construct or god concept, nor, evidently, has ever there been any such.
Observation: Evidently, that humankind in general or any humans in concert or individually might endorse or reject or might have endorsed or rejected any particular religio-social construct and/or god concept has had no discernable impact on the overall course of life on this planet nor on any other workings of the universe.
Given: From the above, we reasonably may deduce,
by the evidence, it matters not to the planet on which we exist and/or its biosphere nor to the universe in which that planet exists which or even if any religio-social contruct or god concept to which we might or might not subscribe.
Occam's Razor Conclusion: Religio-social constructs and god concepts are unnecessary to the functioning either of this planet or of our universe as a whole, offering not answer but only needless, and irresolvable, complication and contradiction.
Note - this in no way is "proof", nor even assertion, that there
be no god or gods; it merely demonstrates human belief or disbelief in a god or gods, as well as human subscription to or rejection of any religio-social construct, evidently be matters of no consequence to the function of this universe.
Coach Tripper