Reasons God Doesn't Exist

real life
Reply Sat 30 Dec, 2006 11:41 pm
real life wrote:
So why don't you start by quoting the verse fully and correctly and in context?

No answer to that, I see.

real life wrote:
If you want to argue that the Bible is inconsistent, start with a correct view of what the Bible actually says about God, not with something it doesn't say.

(Your recent argument about why you think the God of the Bible isn't 'perfect', using your own definition of 'perfect', is what I am referencing.)

timberlandko wrote:
Not "MY" definition, rl; as gone over most recently back in an early November discussion beginning Here, carrying on accross several pages - just the standard dictionary definition of "Perfect" as that word is used and understood in the English language ... that rug was yanked out from under you. That bit was quite similar to the hole you dug for yourself back in February, beginning Here and likewise continuing over many pages.

Now, you're welcome to maintain that when a particular word is used in scripture the standard dictionary definition of that word does not apply but rather that word is to be understood in some other wise. In fact, you're welcome to maintain any or every word appearing in scripture be granted exemption from conforming to the parameters of standard dictionary definition - you can maintain scripture says anything you want it to say in order to conform scripture to your vision of what scripture should mean.


You quote the dictionary definition of perfect, but then reveal that you have your own defintion in mind:

timberlandko wrote:
If perfect, then, given the attributes inherent to perfection, such a being would have no impetus, need, reason, or cause to create - or for that matter to destroy or otherwise alter - anything whatsoever

trying to conclude that a 'perfect' Being would be perfectly passive, doing nothing.

Such a conclusion is unwarranted from the standard dictionary definition. It comes only from your own 'special' definition.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 03:09 am
Straw Man rl - as already pointed out to you, authoritatively, severally, at length and in great detail, by the standard, accepted dictionary definition of "Perfect" the concept is an absolute, subject neither to qualification nor quantification, subject to no condition or modifier whatsoever, immutable; a thing, state, or condition of being may be either perfect or other than perfect, if other than perfect, if modified in any respect in relation to perfect, it by definition is not perfect - a conditional absolute is a self-cancelling absurdity.

I do not, as you erroneously allege, "reveal" I have my "own defintion in mind", I merely and explicitly ascribe to the English word "Perfect" the attributes requisite by its accepted, standard dictionary definition - no "special definition", rl, just THE DEFINITION. You, bringing yet more straw to the discussion, attempt, via unwarranted implication, to insert the qualifier of "Passivity" into that definition.

Quite plainly and simply, once again, a thing, condition, or state of being may be and may be only perfect, in and of itself, succeptable to no change, increase, decrease, alteration, enhancement, degradation, or other modification, or it may be other than perfect and may be therefor subject to change, increase, decrease, alteration, enhancement, degradation, or other modification. A thing, condition, or state of being may be perfect, or other than perfect. It may not be more perfect, nor less perfect, it cannot be passively perfect or aggressively perfect, it cannot be greenly perfect or darkly or loudly or wetly perfect, it may, in and of itself, be only perfect in any, all, and every respect, or it may be other than perfect. There are no other options, no other interpretations.

As for Mark 10:27, what is there to examine, let alone "answer"? According to whatever translation of Mark, the putative Jesus is purported to have told those to whom allegedly he was speaking at the time that all things are possible with God. Now, whether the particular matter at discussion was salvation, insect control, or donut making, the purported statement stands alone, and its meaning, by its words, in context, as reported by Mark, given the accepted, standard dictionary definitions of those words, is unambiguous; according to what the author of Mark wrote, that meaning unarguably is that:











and the author of Mark goes further to clarify, making explict, amplifying, that with, to, for, or in God,




Now, either what the author of Mark wrote means what it says, or it means something else. Which is it? What do you say scripture says?
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real life
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 03:33 pm
Face it, timber.

The inference you attempt to draw from the dictionary definitions of 'perfect' is completely unsupported by the very sources you cite.

Your process of 'ascribing' attributes involves such a severe twisting and unwarranted additional assumptions as to produce a totally illogical conclusion.

There is nothing in any of these definitions to indicate what a perfect Being would or would not will to do, wish to do, desire to do, have a reason to do, or be motivated to do --- whether that 'doing' involved creating something, or 'doing' something else besides.

Your 'special' definition of perfect involves defining a perfect Being as being completely passive, in fact, prohibited from 'doing' anything lest it disqualify said Being as perfect.

You are certainly free to attempt to maintain your 'special' definition if you wish.

Just don't expect me to pretend that it agrees, or is based on, the dictionary definitions you cite.

It's clearly not there.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 08:59 pm
Anybody ever look at a fine billiard ball under a microscope. 'Tain't neither perfectly round nor perfectly smooth. But would you care to argue that it would be less than perfect for a game of billiards?

Ain't seen ya fer a while. But I see yer gettin' along fine without my leadership. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 09:25 pm
You're equating "adequate to the task" with "Perfect", neo - big difference conceptually, even if not so large a difference at the pragmatically functional level.

Happy New Year and best wishes to you and yours.

And Happy New Year to you, too, rl, and to all of yours, whoever and wherever they are - hope you all have a great year and many more to come.
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real life
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 09:42 pm
timberlandko wrote:
You're equating "adequate to the task" with "Perfect", neo - big difference conceptually, even if not so large a difference at the pragmatically functional level.

Happy New Year and best wishes to you and yours.

And Happy New Year to you, too, rl, and to all of yours, whoever and wherever they are - hope you all have a great year and many more to come.

And a very happy New Year to you, timber. I am hopeful that the year will find your healthy as well as happy, and plenty of peace and prosperity for you and yours.

And to you too Neo. Good to see you around. Happy New Year to you and yours. May many blessings of peace and prosperity be yours also.

And that goes for all A2Kers. Still , peace on earth, goodwill toward men is my wish for you all. G'nite for now.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 10:38 pm
(M)A(ny) reason(s) why God does not exist: paradoxes.

A reason why this is pointless: whatever reason I come up with, people are always going come up with some crazy reason, unable to be proved or disproved, why my reason is obselete (OCCAM'S RAZOR PEOPLE!).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 01:01 am
One simply reaches an age where childish fairy tales must be put aside, and one must face the reality of the universe as a natural phenomenom. It is true of a child, and is true of the human race as a whole.

It angers me that anyone would cheapen the glorious beauty of the universe (especially biology!) by presuming that some magician simply "poof"-ed it all into place.

It's like the whole natural history of the universe is a giant jigsaw puzzle, and we only have some of the peices. Every year we find more and more, but NOT ONCE have we EVER found a peice that clearly belonged to a different puzzle.

The Cassini-Huygens probe recently explored various parts of the Saturnian system and found many surprising and wonderful things. Sadly though, nothing magical, nothing unnatural, nothing to indicate that it was made with a wand or a spell or a magic word.

Just one "monolith on the moon" is all it would take to shake us to the core. Theists are just ignoring this obvious fact of life.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 01:19 am
Well said.
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real life
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 02:01 am
Eorl wrote:
One simply reaches an age where childish fairy tales must be put aside, and one must face the reality of the universe as a natural phenomenom. It is true of a child, and is true of the human race as a whole.

It angers me that anyone would cheapen the glorious beauty of the universe (especially biology!) by presuming that some magician simply "poof"-ed it all into place.

It's like the whole natural history of the universe is a giant jigsaw puzzle, and we only have some of the peices. Every year we find more and more, but NOT ONCE have we EVER found a peice that clearly belonged to a different puzzle.

The Cassini-Huygens probe recently explored various parts of the Saturnian system and found many surprising and wonderful things. Sadly though, nothing magical, nothing unnatural, nothing to indicate that it was made with a wand or a spell or a magic word.

Just one "monolith on the moon" is all it would take to shake us to the core. Theists are just ignoring this obvious fact of life.

So since you've never 'seen' evidence of the 'unseen', i.e. you haven't observed any 'natural' evidence of the 'supernatural', then it obviously cannot be, right?

BTW have you ever heard the color green, or smelled the light from the sun? I wonder why not.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 02:55 am
Where are your facts, rl, your evidence, your data, you methodologies? You're the one playing at twisting statements and dancing around the meanings of words, rl - one endeavoring to provide objective, empirical, logical, scientifically valid, forensically sound, intellectually honest, effective argument for any proposition dependent from the paranormal faces a sisyphian task - and you ain't even got your stone started up the hill yet. Sophistry is not argument, and declaration of faith is not argument for faith.

Just for fun, lets step back to this old favorite -

Demonstrate, objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner, that religious faith be differentiable from superstition.

Get that done, and you'll have a place from which to start. Until such time, you're only hawking superstition.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:33 am
It is hilarious to watch you spout about 'there is no natural (empirical) evidence of the supernatural'.

Do you not get what an absurd objection that is?

It's like objecting that one cannot smell gamma rays.

Yeah, no duh.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:37 am
real life wrote:
It is hilarious to watch you spout about 'there is no natural (empirical) evidence of the supernatural'.

Do you not get what an absurd objection that is?

It's like objecting that one cannot smell gamma rays.

Yeah, no duh.

More arumentun ad absurdam - can't you do better?

Now, offer argument for faith, not declaration of faith.
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real life
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:50 am
Note that I didn't declare any particular type of faith.

I simply pointed out the absurdity of your objection.

You attempt to maintain that you've got a strong case against the existence of something , simply because you've never observed it.

It's pretty entertaining.

Moreover , the thing you insist you've never observed is by definition unobservable.

So your crowing is even funnier.

It's like the Chinese women's gymnastics team bragging that they've never been beaten by the Denver Broncos. No duh.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 04:20 am
real life wrote:
Note that I didn't declare any particular type of faith.


I simply pointed out the absurdity of your objection.

I submit you have done no such thing, but rather have confirmed the contrary

You attempt to maintain that you've got a strong case against the existence of something , simply because you've never observed it.

Straw man - I make no claim of strong case against, I simply point out no valid case for has been presented.

It's pretty entertaining.

I enjoy it - if ya ain't having fun, yer doin' it wrong.

Moreover , the thing you insist you've never observed is by definition unobservable.

So your crowing is even funnier.

It's like the Chinese women's gymnastics team bragging that they've never been beaten by the Denver Broncos. No duh.

You really don't get it, do you?

Now, present an objective, valid argument for faith. Demonstrate, objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that religious faith be differentiable from superstition.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 04:33 am
Re: Reasons God Doesn't Exist
sunlover wrote:
thunder32 wrote:
Please give logical (short, if possible) explanations as to why a perfect God either does not exist, or exist as common perceptions of God.

This is quite open-ended, so post whatever you feel relating to the general subject.

If God is within us, as Jesus said, then we are God. We are perfect, or at least have that potential. Then, the question becomes How do we reach that potential?
Through technology, pehaps!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:01 pm
real life wrote:
Eorl wrote:
One simply reaches an age where childish fairy tales must be put aside, and one must face the reality of the universe as a natural phenomenom. It is true of a child, and is true of the human race as a whole.

It angers me that anyone would cheapen the glorious beauty of the universe (especially biology!) by presuming that some magician simply "poof"-ed it all into place.

It's like the whole natural history of the universe is a giant jigsaw puzzle, and we only have some of the peices. Every year we find more and more, but NOT ONCE have we EVER found a peice that clearly belonged to a different puzzle.

The Cassini-Huygens probe recently explored various parts of the Saturnian system and found many surprising and wonderful things. Sadly though, nothing magical, nothing unnatural, nothing to indicate that it was made with a wand or a spell or a magic word.

Just one "monolith on the moon" is all it would take to shake us to the core. Theists are just ignoring this obvious fact of life.

So since you've never 'seen' evidence of the 'unseen', i.e. you haven't observed any 'natural' evidence of the 'supernatural', then it obviously cannot be, right?

BTW have you ever heard the color green, or smelled the light from the sun? I wonder why not.

You are making up unnecessary extra factors, rl. Why? Because you are weak.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:48 pm
I see absolutely no reason to suppose there is a God or that it is more likely that there is a God than that there are no gods.

I also see absolutely no reason to suppose there are no gods or that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one.

Don't know why you folks go through this crap so often…when the reality of the matter is as apparent as the nose on Jimmy Durante's face.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:52 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Don't know why you folks go through this crap so often…when the reality of the matter is as apparent as the nose on Jimmy Durante's face.

Durante has been deceased for a while now and if he wasn't cremated his nose may well have deteriorated into nothingness. Hmm, maybe that's what you're trying to tell us in some roundabout way.

Anywho...people like to rehash subjects, you know that Frank. Don't give it any concern.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 04:05 pm
Sturgis wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Don't know why you folks go through this crap so often…when the reality of the matter is as apparent as the nose on Jimmy Durante's face.

Durante has been deceased for a while now and if he wasn't cremated his nose may well have deteriorated into nothingness. Hmm, maybe that's what you're trying to tell us in some roundabout way.

Anywho...people like to rehash subjects, you know that Frank. Don't give it any concern.

Actually...I've been accused of doing it myself! Twisted Evil
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