I dont see a problem with it.
Meat is meat unless it is littered with chemicals we are not meant to digest.
Antibiotics, hormones etc.. are filling the meat on the shelves NOW, and it is killing us. Yet, we continue to eat it.
But clone an animal and people think - ' No, it isn't right to eat that'
Because it is the exact same genetic structure as its mother?
Because it has no soul?
We are eating , from one cattle farm, probally only a few branches of the same family tree of cows. In breeding, artificial insemination, and selective breeding has us eating brothers and sister cows who have mated with each other. Producing essentially.. retards.. ( as would happen if humans did it) but THAT is ok?
In fact, it is SO ok, that this practice is what fuels most cattle farms . It keeps them at capacity. Allows them to produce ( through birth) the same high milk producing cow over, and over, and over again. One cow is the Mother of her own Sister so america can consume that milk and meat.
Cloning is NOT that far away.
It wont effect the taste of the meat.
Hormones , antibiotics and improper diet do.
It isn't going to make it unhealthy to eat.
Letting the cow roam around in its own , and several thousand other cows **** does.
Pumping them full of drugs does.
You know a cow , if pulled off of a milk farm today and compared to a cow from a farmers back yard has less bone mass? Almost 45% less then what a cow naturally needs to be able to hold up its own weight and not break a leg. Most cows from cattle farms can not move more then a few feet with out cracking a bone. Essentially.. they could not survive outside the farm.
Less muscle mass.. almost by 65% ? Antibiotics they are given, break down the natural strength of their muscles and remove their stomachs ability to extract protein from plant matieral leaving them weak and unable to absorb the vitamins they need for survival. Yet, from that vitamin deficient animal, we drink the milk it produces calling it good for OUR bodies.
Promote it as optimum health for our children's bodies as well.
Thier milk is meant to sustain a baby cow's life, not ours.
But, did you know that its milk has only about 30% of the nutrients it needs to sustain a calves life?
If a calf was to have to survive totally on its mothers milk from a cattle farm, it would die. So, from birth they are loaded with supplements and antibiotics so that they can 'nurse' to stimulate a cows milk production.
That is the least of my worries.