Re: islam is the way of life, the TRUE and PROVED religion
theislamicwayoflife wrote:you say Islam has not contributed in the last "500 years?"
That's precisely what was said. Absent your providing verifiable evidence to the contrary - some documentation of an Islamic contribution to the overall benefit of the human condition having occurred between the beginning of the 16th Century and the present - the statement stands.
Quote:Islam proves every aspect, it can never contradict itself, and has beheld the truth in the koran before anybody proved anything.
fresh water and salt water cannot mix.
it was written word for word in the koran, several hundreds of years later some western withead realised it in his little canoe although it has always been there in the koran.
iscience,nature,education,love anything you name it, islam has proved and been written in the koran and said in hadith before anybody "discovered it"
WTF??? The development of river delta agriculture was based on that principle - over 10,000 years ago.
Quote:i wouyld like to say something else.
Christianity? catholic, the whole lot of it is categorised under christianity, how come one second Jesus is God? the next he is Son of God?
if you out there believe he is the "son of god'? why do you focus on jesus more than your own creator?
and if you beleive he is God, why is he in the forma human? isn't God at a much higher level thn that? revealing himself before the day of judjement by yonks then "leaving", humans are not perfect so how can perfect God transform to his creation? he created us for our imperfections
That comment betrays a breathtaking ignorance of Christian history, dogma, doctrine, thought, and teaching ... and believe me kid, I ain't no Christian, not by a long shot.
Quote:AND with ayesha, she was one of the wsest women.
YOU people need to look at the time and history of where it took place, you can't go around saying things like our prophet is a perve.
you are hypocrites!
That comment is simply absurd; it absolutely is the conceptual equivalent using the "standards of the times" to the end of justifying the atrocities of the Christian Crusaders.
Quote:all of you have bloody sex when you feel like it and get pregnant and god knows what, you lose your virginity before marriage
so you being impure think you have the right to say something like that.
islam doesn't allow sex before marriage for protection.
so next time you want to say filth, think about your intimacy, losing your whatever on prom night, not gibing a damn
Prophet Mohamad (pbuh) was married and obeyed Allah (swa) will.
You really need to get a grip on the concepts of circular reasoning, irrelevancy, non sequitur, and straw man argument, along with putting some effort into coherent writing and learning a little history. If your intent was to champion the Islamic propostion, you've so far in this discussion not done yourself nor that proposition any good at all - quite the contrary, in fact; you've provided only more solid ammunition for those who criticize and ridcule the proposition you would endorse and defend.