Grandmaster wrote:It is not only arrogant but quite stupid to deny Islam's influence on modern science.
It is arrogant and stupid to allege any such denial has been presented.
Quote:At the time Islamic science, technology, architecture, astronomy, litrature flourished... Europe was in utter darkness.
It is arrogant and stupid to pretend otherwise. It is arrogant and stupid also to overlook the fact that coincident with Europe's flowering and the emergence of what has therefrom become modern civilization was Islam's retreat back into the stultifying darkness of medeival theocracy.
Quote:Islam - world's only pure and fastest growing religion - had brought civization to this world; unlike European colonists.
Not only have your claims pertaining to Islam's growthrate and purity been not substantiated, credible statistical evidence to the contrary has been presented - in multiple instance - while you persist in repeating claim validated by nothing more substantial than reference to that claim. Further, while no one cany deny the rapacious predations European colonists perpetrated one, two, and more centuries ago, no one can deny that characteristic today of Europe and of most those lands colonized by those Europeans in those days is a standard of living and a level of citizen participation in government far greater than is characteristic of the Islamic world in general. In such particular regard, the nations of Islamic world stand out in the community of nations specifically for all but universal near-totalitarian oligarchic rule, graft and corruption as social norm, grinding poverty, rampant sectarian violence, and aggressivelly confrontational stance toward the non-Islamic world.
Now, I'll acknowledge many condemn Islam unfairly as a whole for the acts and pronouncements of a few. Not all who embrace Islam are barbaric, ideology-driven, murderous, facistic thugs with neither courage nor compassion - by any estimate there are vast multitudes of Islam's faithful who are not barbaric, ideology-driven, murderous, facistic thugs with neither courage nor compassion for every one who is a barbaric, ideology-driven, mrderous, facistic thug with neither courage nor compassion. Nevertheless, the barbaric, ideology-driven, murderous, facistic thugs with neither courage nor compassion responsible for the atrocities they perpetrate in the name of Islam emerge from, are nurtured by, and operate from within an Islamic society which does little to remedy the ills from which those relatively few barbaric, ideology-driven murderous facistic thugs with neither courage nor compassion spring, does little to distance itself from them, does little to inhibit their atrocities, and in large part lionizes - makes heroes of - looks to as role models - those barbaric, ideology-driven, mrderous, facistic thugs with neither courage nor compassion who's atrocities besmirch the name of Islam. Those who would press the claim Islam be a "Religion of Peace" would do well for that case were they to demonstrate such be the case as opposed to tolerating and enabling those who in the name of Islam seek to impose on the world a new Dark Age.
Quote:Islam is indeed the erfect religion....
Indeed, given the sad history of religions in the affairs of humankind, it appears to be without equal.