WHY ISLAM MISTREATS WOMEN...............A must read for all

Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:07 am
Setanta wrote:
I notice that you side-step the entire issue of Ayesha. Nevertheless, any "evidence" you produce dates from centuries after his death. What is laughably absurd is to see Muslim condemn others for being backward.

This issue has been discussed.

Do you think that if the word had been changed these things that may cause dispute would have been removed?

Well they wernt which only adds to the authenticity of the religion

The prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was commanded by God to take Ayesha as his wife. he then spoke to the girls father asking for her hand and he said yes. Ayesha became one of the most excellent narrators of the Quran and Hadith. She only spoke good of the prophet and the other companions - even the ones who tried to slander her name at one stage of her life.! Do some research into her life and see how full of blessing and how mush she was reverd by Muslims
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Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:16 am
real life wrote:
Grandmaster wrote:
Billy Graham, the eminent Christian evangelist has recognized this fact: "Christianity cannot compromise on the question of polygamy. If present-day Christianity cannot do so, it is to its own detriment. Islam has permitted polygamy as a solution to social ills and has allowed a certain degree of latitude to human nature but only within the strictly defined framework of the law. Christian countries make a great show of monogamy, but actually they practice polygamy. No one is unaware of the part mistresses play in Western society. In this respect Islam is a fundamentally honest religion, and permits a Muslim to marry a second wife if he must, but strictly forbids all clandestine amatory associations in order to safeguard the moral probity of the community."

Let's pretend the Muslims dream comes true.

All the world converts to Islam.

And all Muslim men decide to follow the Prophet's example and marry multiple wives.


How's that gonna work since the ratio of men to women is roughly 1:1 ?

What's the 'Muslim solution' to this? Lots of wars to kill off enough men?

Real Life,

I dont see you on any threads regarding Christianity, or have any clever answers to the questions ive asked you regarding your faith.

Instead you decide to throw absurd claims, trying to be-little Islam

The ratio is roughly 1:1, but there are more women than men!!


And this is at a time when wars are not as large or frequent as in the past.

You need to get a "real life" mate
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Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:20 am
mesquite wrote:
Yep. Islamic justice in action.

In August 2004, Iran's Islamic penal system sentenced a 16-year-old girl, Atefeh Rajabi, to death after a sham trial, in which she was accused of committing "acts incompatible with chastity".

The teenage victim had no access to a lawyer at any stage and efforts by her family to retain one were to no avail. Atefeh personally defended herself and told the religious judge that he should punish those who force women into adultery, not the victims. She was eventually hanged in public in the northern town of Neka.

People who are wronged like this in this life, will be given respite in the next inshAllah
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Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:21 am
mesquite wrote:
Yep. Islamic justice in action.

In August 2004, Iran's Islamic penal system sentenced a 16-year-old girl, Atefeh Rajabi, to death after a sham trial, in which she was accused of committing "acts incompatible with chastity".

The teenage victim had no access to a lawyer at any stage and efforts by her family to retain one were to no avail. Atefeh personally defended herself and told the religious judge that he should punish those who force women into adultery, not the victims. She was eventually hanged in public in the northern town of Neka.

People who are wronged like this in this life, will be given respite in the next inshAllah
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Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:23 am
Your comments about Ayesha rely, Abid, upon an assumption that the texts which allege she spoke well of the prophet and provided such valuable insights into the Quran and the Hadith are genuine. What good reason would i, or anyone else outside Islam, have to assume that those texts are reliable? What we do know is that your boy Mohammed married a series of widows, and then married a nine-year-old girl. It's difficult to swallow your sneers about "pagans" being "backward" when your boy Mohammed acts in that manner--a patently selfish and self-rewarding manner.
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:33 am
People who are wronged like this in this life, will be given respite in the next inshAllah

Just "oh, well, such is life." Where is your outrage?

Joe(must be stifled)Nation
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Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:34 am
InshAllah--if "god" wills it. There's your clue--"god" moves in mysterious ways, etc. . . .
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:37 am
Hey, maybe the judge was like Mohammed.
The prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was commanded by God to take Ayesha as his wife.
This god whispers some odd things.

Joe(and so quietly)Nation
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Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:44 am
Setanta wrote:
Your comments about Ayesha rely, Abid, upon an assumption that the texts which allege she spoke well of the prophet and provided such valuable insights into the Quran and the Hadith are genuine. What good reason would i, or anyone else outside Islam, have to assume that those texts are reliable? What we do know is that your boy Mohammed married a series of widows, and then married a nine-year-old girl. It's difficult to swallow your sneers about "pagans" being "backward" when your boy Mohammed acts in that manner--a patently selfish and self-rewarding manner.

It will tell you about your misconceptions about Islam being altered as you believe.

Learn abit more about the Prophet Mohammed before you start labelling him selfish etc. Dont just go by the negative things you hear.
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Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:47 am
None of the documents which Muslims claim support the story of Mohammed and the Hadith come any closer to actual events than two centuries. Two hundred years is a long time in which any number of self-justifying stories can be made up. Even based on the dubious stories which Muslims peddle, i have no reason to consider Mohammed an admirable person, and continue to consider him selfish, and continue to consider the written record suspect.
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Reply Fri 22 Dec, 2006 11:47 am
Joe Nation wrote:
Hey, maybe the judge was like Mohammed.
The prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was commanded by God to take Ayesha as his wife.
This god whispers some odd things.

Joe(and so quietly)Nation

Oh and you would no better than God would you.
Truth is everything happens or doesnt happen by his authority. Who are we to question this?
Im not justifying what Iran do is correct here by the way.
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Reply Sat 23 Dec, 2006 02:35 am
Joe Nation wrote:
People who are wronged like this in this life, will be given respite in the next inshAllah

Just "oh, well, such is life." Where is your outrage?

Joe(must be stifled)Nation

Of course you'll never understand because you prefer this fleeting existence over the eternal afterlife. You fear death and we don't. That's the difference.
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Reply Sat 23 Dec, 2006 09:46 pm
Actually Raul, you fear the boogeyman and we don't. That's the difference.
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Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 04:16 am
So what are you saying there Raul ?

If you were wrongfully accused by some psycho-religious judge/court of something that you did not do, or were not to blame for, you would be all like : "Allah is wise, he knows best, i should die to serve his purposes" ?
Are you actually saying that the fact that the judge and court took this decision was Allah's doing because he knows best ?

Should all your friends, family, people who care about you sit around and watch as you powerlessly hang from a freakin' crane, all saying "Allah knows best" and take comfort in the fact that you will be rewarded in a potentially non-existing afterlife ?

It's interesting to see how easily you wash your hands of the whole deal when someone close to you is not involved. Have you or any of the people you care about ever been wrongfully punished by over-relligious decisions ? I'd like to hear your thoughts when that happens. I'd like to see how you look at the whole "no fear of death/ Allah knows best" thing then.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 06:06 am
I've found arguing with Muslims to be a complete waste of time. They are impervious to sense.

Meanwhile back in Blighty some heartening news

Yesterdays Guardian headlined the fact 82% of British people thought religion did more harm than good.

It really is time to get rid of these medieval superstitions, unfortunately its not helped by the advocate of one superstition decrying the practices of another. For this reason I think the Bishop of Rochester's comments on veil wearing to be counter productive.

The Rt Rev Nazir-Ali (no less) said women should only wear the veil in private, an amusing reversal of the current practice.
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Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 07:53 am
Re: WHY ISLAM MISTREATS WOMEN...............A must read for

I think many had no time reading these articles here....Incase you forgot to read...

Incase you need to know the differences between how women are treated by Muslims and Christians ...Please feel free to read them here...
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Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 10:33 am
One question there dalahow. I did read the article and i was wondering why the comparison is made between Islam and Judeo-Christian religions ? I see no comparison there between Islam and Budhism or other religions. Why would that be ? Is it maybe because you're carefully trying to pick your battles only where you do have some chances of actually winning. A religion that holds the final word of god should not be afraid to start a debate based on principles with any other religion in order to prove it is right, should it ?

And, also, do you see so many people here arguing in favor of christianity ? From what i see most people here believe all religions are full of crap to some extent. You are the only one claiming that you are 100% correct.

You know, saying your religion is better then mine, doesn't actually mean that your religion has anything to do with the actual TRUTH.

Also, i'd like to say that i did not see anyone being condemned to death because they were raped in any contemporary judeo-christian society.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 24 Dec, 2006 10:46 am
Not only do they believe they are in possession of gods final word, but that Adam was 60 cubits high, noah lived for near on 1000 years, satan lives up ones nose, the earth is approx 6000 years old etc etc etc.

And they have to believe it, all of it quite literally. Thus making themselves appear very foolish.

On another thread I asked a Muslim what happened to all the bits of bone, pottery rock etc etc that the scribes were supposed to have used to record Gods actual last words, via Mohammed and Gabriel. Why does not one artefact from those times exist? Did they throw the Original Gods Words away when they compiled the Koran? Bit disrespectful that one would think. Why does nothing exist in a museum or in a mosque? The answer that there were probably important families in the region who were holding onto them for fear of loosing them, didnt appear entirely convincing. Especially when they could be sold for a great deal of money.
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Reply Mon 25 Dec, 2006 07:49 pm
Eretiq wrote:
One question there dalahow. I did read the article and i was wondering why the comparison is made between Islam and Judeo-Christian religions ? I see no comparison there between Islam and Budhism or other religions. Why would that be ? Is it maybe because you're carefully trying to pick your battles only where you do have some chances of actually winning. A religion that holds the final word of god should not be afraid to start a debate based on principles with any other religion in order to prove it is right, should it ?

Why should we debate with Buddhism when it isn't Divine like the other Abrahamic religions? And then they protray some mortal as God?

Eretiq wrote:

And, also, do you see so many people here arguing in favor of christianity ? From what i see most people here believe all religions are full of crap to some extent. You are the only one claiming that you are 100% correct.

You know, saying your religion is better then mine, doesn't actually mean that your religion has anything to do with the actual TRUTH.

Also, i'd like to say that i did not see anyone being condemned to death because they were raped in any contemporary judeo-christian society.

Because while there are thousands versions of the Bible and Torah, there is only one version of the Quran. And why have millions of people memorized the Quran relatively easily, almost a million a year alone from Pakistan each year; among them 10-15 year olds. However, not one person has memorized neither the Torah or Bible?

And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: but will any take heed?" (Al-Qumar, 32)
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Reply Mon 25 Dec, 2006 07:52 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:

On another thread I asked a Muslim what happened to all the bits of bone, pottery rock etc etc that the scribes were supposed to have used to record Gods actual last words, via Mohammed and Gabriel. Why does not one artefact from those times exist? Did they throw the Original Gods Words away when they compiled the Koran? Bit disrespectful that one would think. Why does nothing exist in a museum or in a mosque? The answer that there were probably important families in the region who were holding onto them for fear of loosing them, didnt appear entirely convincing. Especially when they could be sold for a great deal of money.

As for Steve's question, here is your answer-

Regarding the first copies of the Quran written by Zaid bin Harith - As sanctioned by the 3rd Caliph Uthman, 20 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

"...Narrations differ as to how many copies were directly ordered and sent out by the Caliph `Uthman, but they range from four to seven. It seems certain from various Muslim historical sources that several were lost, through fire amongst other things. There are some copies that are attributed to `Uthman."

"The historical credibility of the Qur'an is further established by the fact that one of the copies sent out by the Caliph Uthman is still in existence today. It lies in the Museum of the City of Tashkent in Uzbekistan, Central Asia....and an early manuscript on gazelle parchment exists in Dar al-Kutub as-Sultaniyyah in Egypt. More ancient manuscripts from all periods of Islamic history found in the Library of Congress in Washington, the Chester Beatty Museum in Dublin (Ireland) and the London Museum have been compared with those in Tashkent, Turkey and Egypt, with results confirming that there have not been any changes in the text from its original time of writing [44]."

From http://www.iiie.net/Articles/AuthenticQuran.html

1. The Tashkent Quran (Uzbekistan)
http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Text/Mss/samarqand.ht ml

Original Mushaf written by Zaid bin Harith. A Photocopy of this mushaf is available at the Columbia University Library in the USA.

2. The Topkapi Quran (Turkey)

3. The Al-Hussein Mosque Manuscript. (Egypt)

"...is perhaps the oldest of all the manuscripts, and is either `Uthmanic or an exact copy from the original with similarity to the Madinan script..."

Here are more references to Original Manuscripts:
1) Maktabat al-Jami` al-Kabir, Yemen. "Among the manuscripts in the collection is a copy of the Qur'an reputed to be in the handwriting of Al-Imam `Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Zayd Ibn Thabit and Salman al-Farsi, in two parts, each of 150 pages, in large unpointed Kufic script."
-Zaid ibn Thabit being the original scribe who wrote the first official Quran. I dont know if these are Uthmani Qurans.

2) Islamic Museum, Jerusalem, Palestine. "One of the most important manuscript in this collection is the Kufic copy of the second half of the Qur'an, the transcription of which is attributed to Al-Hasan b. Al-Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib. The pages in this manuscript are beautifully illuminated, with each surah heading bearing its own distinct style of decoration; the covers are also decorated on both sides, but are of the Mamluk period."

Ali being a close companion of the Prophet, and of Uthman. I dont know if this is an Uthmani Quran, but same time period.
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