gunga sayQuote: The ability to model other people in our minds like the ability to model sequences of events, or to narrate, is some sort of an innate ability we had to learn to use and develop after the flood.
How charmingly naive. We have this little legend about a flood, and its so nicely engrained as an historical "fact" that the mere lack of evidence of same is no problem to the followers of Biblical literalism.
Id feel a bit foolish parading this kind of conclusion in front of an audience of skeptics. Just be aware that , youre getting laughed off the stage.
I was at Penn State yesterday , listening to the new degrees that the College of Earth and Mineral SCiences is now offering, and its an exciting time for geo- science (what with all the evidence being found regarding earth history). Alas, nobody is offering a degree in Flood Geology, even though the MS and PhD in "Museum STudies" does offer a series of seminars on "origins Legends through History", wherein they cover , not only Abraham and the Patriarchs but the similarity and differences of origins stories from the vaster farther reaches of the world. Some have a "flood legend" but many more do not.
The only accurate statement made about "historical floods" is that they were outgrowths of actual local events that were seen(and possibly recorded i legend) by their habitues.
No Flood, no Creation legend eh?