I used to be a lot more content with the BB-EU hypothesis (even preached it)

till I ran across several Phd's who disagreed. What's worse is some who changed their minds. Under pressure is a possibility, but I am becoming a bit paranoid. (Einstein and Hoyle)
So far I have read some fifty titles on similar subjects, and taken a course on tape entitled "Freshman Astronomy". I have done this so that hopefully I would learn enough to be able to spot "snake oil" when I saw it.
There is quite a bit of snake oil out there

. More than I would ever have believed seven years ago

Consequently I have attempted the math myself using the figures for "z" that are published by the automated observatory whose name escapes me now. There is a problem with quasars that IMO should have killed off the "BB".
Farmer, as a subset of the cosmos Earth does not need to be eternal.
I can have no opinion on the shortages of longlived isotopes.
Several years ago you explained the brachiation of species very nicely.
I think that you know some shiite, particularly in your fields of interest.
If you "know" the name of God, or ferric sulphate for that matter, Then it would be a fact and no Phd is able to argue.
If we "knew" that the Universe is expanding there could be no arguement.
Halton Arp and Eric J. Lerner probably wouldn't have been able to write books about it without being laughed off stage.
Since Phd's can't find a "Hubble Constant"(should be a fairly straightforward problem) and The Rev. Jesse Jackson, and the Ayatollah Khomeni cannot agree on the characteristics of God (a rather straight forward fact) perhaps us common people may make a rational supposition that neither actually exists
If the Hubble Constant does not exist the BB takes another hit. I'd wager that it'll keep taking them for a while.