Nepotism has nothing to do with genes. It has to do with promoting offspring simply because they are offspring and without reference to their abilities. It is social not biological. It can apply both ways in adoption cases. It obviously supports monarchy and results in the whole power elite having an average IQ of 100 and quite often people with power being in the 85 range. It is destructive. The celibacy of the Roman Catholic priesthood is demanded to prevent the effects of nepotism. The temptation to indulge in it is well nigh irresistable which is why it is so dangerous. It might even explain your current difficulties. (see Politics forum).
I don't know if it was my wit being referred to but there was no wit intended. I just gave a few facts. It neither felt witty and nor was it witty.
Has patiodog any comment on the facts.
I got the number of kids wrong. It was 10 . His wife was 31 on marriage and 48 at birth of last child. She was his cousin and his suspicion that inbreeding was causing a problem to his offspring didn't inhibit his Harry Stubbs approach. He must a been a very sexy man with his boils, his dizzy spells, his eczema, his epilepsy, his flatulence, his gout, his headaches, his heart problems, his inflamed lips (all the better to kiss her with), his vomiting and his various treatments to say nothing of the stench of boiled pigeon which must have hung on him like a shroud. She looks a right little raver in a picture I have of her at 50. It must have been a hotbed of passion.
This is a Science topic patiodog not a jest braying one. You are supposed to attempt a little research at the very least. Some of our viewers rightly expect it.
I notice fm confines himself to assertions viz-
Quote:our own spendi(convoluted and dull).
rather than take on the points he purports to be dealing with. A sure sign of nepotism somewhere. The points I refer to were presented in the most delicate fashion. I could easily have made them in a much more forthright manner.
It is quite normal when someone perceives convolution for them to reach for a pejoritive term such as "dull" to blow snow over why they find it outside their ken. Other explanations make them uncomfortable. So it's dull. It basically means they are speechless.
Possibly an attempt to design US educational policy with a few quick asides, time permitting.