Opening up a present beforehand? That's a priceless memory of childhood, Boomerang. You should embrace it. Put those presents back under the tree! It shows Mo, psychologically I think, that he had a need to know you loved him enough to get him what he wanted (not some stinkin' pj's). Once he saw that you did, he could relax and let them go, knowing he'd see them again. (What do you think of my analysis?)
It's true, kids do make it fun... but I've noticed quite a few oldsters who become <ahem> like children again.
We play "The Game" where all the wacky presents can come out. It's a dice game and you have to ante up a wrapped present to play. The more white-elephant-ish... the better. If anybody could find one of those sexy-leg lamps from The Christmas Story, they'd be crowned King (or Queen) of Misrule.
I'm done with my shopping. Now it's all wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap. I've been avoiding this in every possible way, but they're spilling out of my cupboards. I have to wrap five for a get-together tonight. My Jungian Dream group exchanges gifts, can you believe it?