frank was an amazing person.
one of the first drummers i worked with, lester krinski, gave me a beat up copy of Absolutely Free and things opened right up. one of the most bizarre records i'd come across, even goofier than the Fugs. but intellectually hands above.
when i first moved to hollywood years later, it seemed like the place was populated by ex-mothers. art tripp lived in the apartment next door (he was studying to become a chiropracter ?!?!?). he introduced me to don preston and few others later, but i can't remember who.. well, it was the mid '70s, whaddaya expect ? : )
but it was when a friend loaned me a copy of his autobiography, "the real frank zappa book" that i really became a fan of frank, the guy. that was about 1992 or 93.
in fact, i became such a fan that the same friend gave me a big framed poster from the sheikh yerbouty tour (MUNCHEN !!!) for christmas. and it still hangs majestically in our hall way.
if you haven't already, read this book. it is hysterical..