Quote:Im pitchin but you ain't catching.
You keep pitching the fossil record, which is like the picture on the dealers wall portraying the evolution of the model changes of the Ford Mustang. All the fossil record and the poster do is record the changes in evolution they do not provide a mechanism. The mechanism is going to be proven by modeling comparable systems of evolution.
So let's compare models of evolution.
The organisms are living ( the factory has living workers also) which allows for dynamic change that wouldn't otherwise be possible if there weren't live organisms (or live workers). Both scenarios have changing environments which require evolution of the end product for it to survive.
In one scenario the blue prints are hung on the wall of the assembly line or programmed into robots in a factory, in the other the blueprints are stored in the DNA of a biological organism.
In one scenario an intelligent person realizes we need a backup camera is needed in the Ford Mustang to make it easier to park it so it can survive in the market. That intelligent person then goes to the assembly line and changes the blueprints hanging on the wall and reprograms the computers running the robots. In the other scenario biological information in the DNA is randomly changed in the blueprints, no need was recognized so, by luck a new organism is born with a simple shadow sensor which might help it keep from running into things, or finding food. This might help it to survive in the environment. But, the environment is providing the need for an eyeball. It would would work much better, similar to a completely functioning camera. Multiple layers of complex structures are needed now for the eye to function like the camera (lenses, sensors, digital storing, of the data, and a computer to analyze the data and develope a proper response). If random mutations (which are blind to the environment) are to provide the changes in the DNA, how does it know to put the lense of the eye on the eye, and not behind the head or not mix it in with new layers of complexity being added to the organism at same time, in the ear, nose, and sex organs, which are all evolving at the same time as the complex processor that is necessary for all this added complexity to work together. We can replicate the change in blueprints by using the factory as a model and show how complexity was added to the blueprints by engineering. We cannot build a model in a factory replicate Darwinian Evolution. That model would need to add such complexity using minute random changes to make changes to the blueprints in the right sequence overtime to get that sort of macroevolution. The video offered by Sentanta about the eye, was using the fossil record like the poster on the wall in the dealers office, and then throwing in a few far fetched untestable assumptions to find a way to replace the engineers with random mutations to explain the model changes. The assumptions don't provide any details. The main assumption, "we can't use engineered in anyway to describe to describe the mechanism of change in biological evolution" is based on what model? What data are you drawing your assumptions from?
We can observe new layers of complexity being added to the universe in "real time" only one way today, and that is by observing human creative intelligence. We can and I think should, use that as a model because it is the only one we have that actually models evolution accurately.
There are some differences. In the factory version model, we see the engineer make the changes to the blue prints in real time. In the biological evolution version the changes happen inside, "unobservable biological matter", in the DNA molecules. Plus, they happened in the distant past, so we lose the real time aspect. (Except when humans get involved with selective breeding or GMOs).
When comparing models, I think we are overlooking one important question which leads to another comparison between models. In the factory model, are we really observing the engineer making the changes? I suggest " no" for this reason. The idea of changing the blueprints of the Ford Mustang (intelligence) enters the universe by changing the spin of "unobservable biological matter" in the atoms and molecules in the engineer's mind.
So far it appears from modeling, that we have observed only two ways for information for changing or evolving highly complex structures to enter our universe. Both require living biological matter. One is DNA, the other is the human mind. Both look like they could and should be a suitable model for the other from which we should be able to make comparisons.
One model (with little argument among scientists) reveals as the triggering mechanism, the entry of intelligence into the universe through "unobservable biological matter" to introduce the changes necessary for evolving the Ford Mustang to guarantee its survival. The other model reveals random mutations as the mechanism introduced through "unobservable biological matter", to make the changes necessary to DNA for evolving biological organisms to guarantee their survival in a changing environment. The first model is happening in real time and can be replicated. The second is purely hypothetical and cannot be replicated in a real time model for verification. Why can't the "unobservable biological matter" in DNA be an entry point for creative intelligence to guide the evolution of living organisms, thus completing the model comparison in a logical way?