Don't tell me there's no proof for evolution

Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:47 am
real life wrote:
Great post, timber.

RL: The Darwins were believers in evolution before Charles had collected any evidence.

timber: So what?

Yes, that pretty much sums up the typical attitude of the evolutionist. Evidence is secondary, only there as window dressing to be interpreted in SOME fashion for evolution which is the presupposition, whatever might be required to uphold it.

Straw man - science proceeds from evidence irrespective of precondition or preconception. The thrust of the scientific method is to disprove a proposed hypothesis, not to prove it. As it becomes increasingly clear the hypothesis resists being disproved, as evidence supporting the hypothesis continues to mount, while no evidence counter to the hypothesis is uncovered, the hypothesis gains credibility and acceptance. Science is performance-driven, not ideologically or philosophically driven. That is a key difference between science and theology; science depends on and conforms to evidence.

It is well known that evolution got it's modern start, not as a 'scientific theory' but as a philosophical position, without evidence.

But , so what? Evolutionists don't need no stinking evidence.

You just don't get it, do you? As it becomes increasingly clear a given hypothesis resists being disproved, as evidence supporting that hypothesis continues to mount, while no evidence counter to the hypothesis is uncovered, the hypothesis gains credibility and acceptance. Science is performance-driven, not ideologically or philosophically driven. That is a key difference between science and theology; science depends on and conforms to evidence.
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real life
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:56 am
Evolutionists can get around any problem by claiming , 'well we may not know HOW evolution happened, we just know that it MUST HAVE happened'.

It is the ultimate in non-falsifiability, because no matter what objections are raised against evolution, their faith stands firm.

The evidence is secondary, even inconsequential, because it will ALWAYS be interpreted to support evolution.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:58 am
fresco wrote:
1. No "theory" is ever "proved"....it is only "supported".
Within the confines of the classical mechanics worldview, in what way would the theory of addition of angular momentum, not be considered proven?
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 04:12 am
real life wrote:
Evolutionists can get around any problem by claiming , 'well we may not know HOW evolution happened, we just know that it MUST HAVE happened'.

Straw man - science merely indicates that by the evidence, a given evidence-supported hypothesis is most likely, in direct proportion to the volume and quality of corroborative evidence, to be a correct explanation.

It is the ultimate in non-falsifiability, because no matter what objections are raised against evolution, their faith stands firm.

Straw man - it is not a matter of belief or preference, it is a matter of evidence - if and when (and it does happen) evidence surfaces which calls for revision or replacement of a hypothesis, science proceeds accordingly - based solely on the evidence at hand, not on preference, assumption, or preconception.

The evidence is secondary, even inconsequential, because it will ALWAYS be interpreted to support evolution.

Straw man - the evidence at hand supports ONLY evolution; no evidence for any other proposition ever has been produced.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 04:30 am
Even if it could be argued that there is no overwhelming evidence for evolution, that presumed argument would in no way support some other origin explanation, nor would that presumed argument in any way give merit to a supernatural explanation of origin.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 07:09 am
Chumly wrote:
Even if it could be argued that there is no overwhelming evidence for evolution, that presumed argument would in no way support some other origin explanation, nor would that presumed argument in any way give merit to a supernatural explanation of origin.

That's right, but that doesn't help evolution. A theory can only be so fubar, and you're better off WITHOUT a theory, i.e. just say "Hey, this is some sort of **** we don't really know anything about." Evolution is beyond that point.

Like I say, I have friends who are atheists and agnostics who do not believe in evolution.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 07:17 am
Why do you think evolution needs "help"?

What possible relevance is there to your claim that "I have friends who are atheists and agnostics who do not believe in evolution."?
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 07:29 am
I cant give you any evidence that God created the world 7000 years ago, I dont have any. I CAN give you overwhelming evidence that the theory of evolution, all current versions of it, is an ideological doctrine and a pseudoscience with no rational support.
Ive seen your attempts at "evidence" in the other thread and they are quite laughable.

Now thats what I call a compelling argument ( plays laugh track)

(despite your attempts at using petroglyphs and ICA stones as data)You admit that Creationism, ID, extra terrestrial seeding etc , have no evidence in support, yet by the same basis that you admit to a lack of evidence that supports your "belief" , you merely deny(IMHO mostly through ignorance) the boatloads of clear evidence that support science.
What I find rather frustrating is how you selectively like to admit to some points of science but fail to recognize that these same points support an evolutionary conclusion. EG

1.How do you deny that the earth is extremely old? (Your mathematical theory diatribes also affect the occurence of other conclusions re: radioisotopes and the occurence of daughter products in equilibrium with these isotopes. You cant ahve it both ways). Decision--clearly in fvor of science

2. The fossil record includes clear evidence that life proceeded from simple to complex, and the patterns of the distribution of life follow the patterns of drifting continents and environmental reconstruction (you have to rad about this more because the fossil record is THE key element in oilo exploration)

3.The fossil record clearly shows the branching "tree of life" for a large number of genera. Intermediate fossils abound in the record and the "gaps" are being filled in with regularity

(An interesting point about the fossil record is that it is one of the built in tests of predictability and falsifiability, as is atmospheric transfer geochemistry, geomagnetism, even hydraulics (heavier particles settle in water columns faster than lighter onnes -thus providing evidence for micro superposition) Falsifiability of superposition would have to deny the LAWS of Gravity.

4. The processes of structural geology and geomoprphology allow us to retrace the movements of the earths surface through time and simple things like scratches left over from glaciers, or mountain building cracks left in the rocks, provide absolute uncontestable data that the earth has played host to life in precisely the way we say it has.

5. Unambiguous data that species are not immutable has been collected over the last 200 years or so. This concept alone, where evolutionary thinking had its puny beginnings, is so profound that you have no way to counter it.

RL your "broken record" pronouncements of the Darwin family and its traditional acceptance of evolution, is patently false. Erasmus wrote a few poems that , like the Bible, could loosely be interpreted to be \presaging evolution but without any substance other than stanza and meter . However, as you tangenetially mention "Evolution was a topic of interest in those times> Actually , since Lamarck and Buffon and Cuvier proposed these "philosophical postulates" there has been an interest in evolution because even early evidence seemed to suggest that SPECIES WERE NOT IMMUTABLE. Thats an important dawn concept. I can say that there are extraterrestrials out there, but without evidence, Im not a pioneer, Im merely a teller of tales .

Darwin , starting as a devout Creationist, came out the other side in about 1844 as someone with something important to say on the subject. He kept detailed journals on the subject and came up with a mechanism. Evolution wasnt a world beating concept without a mchanism. What Darwin did was rock the world by proposing the mechanism.

When he produced "The Origin..."edition 1 in 1859, he still wasnt altogether certain about his mechanism. By the time he completed his last edition,( vesrion 6) he had a very compelling argument and hed amassed a couple of journals on pigeon breeding, barnacle taxonomy, insect modifications, and the "incompleteness of the fossil record" He would be very pleased today ,were he alive, to see the strides that the sciences in quantitative stratigraphy and genetics have made.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 11:46 am
farmerman wrote:
I cant give you any evidence that God created the world 7000 years ago, I dont have any. I CAN give you overwhelming evidence that the theory of evolution, all current versions of it, is an ideological doctrine and a pseudoscience with no rational support.
Ive seen your attempts at "evidence" in the other thread and they are quite laughable.

Now thats what I call a compelling argument ( plays laugh track)

(despite your attempts at using petroglyphs and ICA stones as data)You admit that Creationism, ID, extra terrestrial seeding etc , have no evidence in support, yet by the same basis that you admit to a lack of evidence that supports your "belief" , you merely deny(IMHO mostly through ignorance) the boatloads of clear evidence that support science.
What I find rather frustrating is how you selectively like to admit to some points of science but fail to recognize that these same points support an evolutionary conclusion. EG

1.How do you deny that the earth is extremely old? (Your mathematical theory diatribes also affect the occurence of other conclusions re: radioisotopes and the occurence of daughter products in equilibrium with these isotopes. You cant ahve it both ways). Decision--clearly in fvor of science

2. The fossil record includes clear evidence that life proceeded from simple to complex, and the patterns of the distribution of life follow the patterns of drifting continents and environmental reconstruction (you have to rad about this more because the fossil record is THE key element in oilo exploration)

3.The fossil record clearly shows the branching "tree of life" for a large number of genera. Intermediate fossils abound in the record and the "gaps" are being filled in with regularity

(An interesting point about the fossil record is that it is one of the built in tests of predictability and falsifiability, as is atmospheric transfer geochemistry, geomagnetism, even hydraulics (heavier particles settle in water columns faster than lighter onnes -thus providing evidence for micro superposition) Falsifiability of superposition would have to deny the LAWS of Gravity.

4. The processes of structural geology and geomoprphology allow us to retrace the movements of the earths surface through time and simple things like scratches left over from glaciers, or mountain building cracks left in the rocks, provide absolute uncontestable data that the earth has played host to life in precisely the way we say it has.

5. Unambiguous data that species are not immutable has been collected over the last 200 years or so. This concept alone, where evolutionary thinking had its puny beginnings, is so profound that you have no way to counter it.

RL your "broken record" pronouncements of the Darwin family and its traditional acceptance of evolution, is patently false. Erasmus wrote a few poems that , like the Bible, could loosely be interpreted to be \presaging evolution but without any substance other than stanza and meter . However, as you tangenetially mention "Evolution was a topic of interest in those times> Actually , since Lamarck and Buffon and Cuvier proposed these "philosophical postulates" there has been an interest in evolution because even early evidence seemed to suggest that SPECIES WERE NOT IMMUTABLE. Thats an important dawn concept. I can say that there are extraterrestrials out there, but without evidence, Im not a pioneer, Im merely a teller of tales .

Darwin , starting as a devout Creationist, came out the other side in about 1844 as someone with something important to say on the subject. He kept detailed journals on the subject and came up with a mechanism. Evolution wasnt a world beating concept without a mchanism. What Darwin did was rock the world by proposing the mechanism.

When he produced "The Origin..."edition 1 in 1859, he still wasnt altogether certain about his mechanism. By the time he completed his last edition,( vesrion 6) he had a very compelling argument and hed amassed a couple of journals on pigeon breeding, barnacle taxonomy, insect modifications, and the "incompleteness of the fossil record" He would be very pleased today ,were he alive, to see the strides that the sciences in quantitative stratigraphy and genetics have made.

blah-blah-blah - but you (& other "theists, un-believers, evolutionists et al) still refuse to answer as to where/how/by whom/etc. the very first living creature came to be! You know - the one that preceded evolution. The "origin of life" - that magically (pun intended) appeared a few years back... :wink:

How did the origin of life come to be?

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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 11:51 am
Thats not the meaning of the word evolution Schmerdek. If you want to engage in that topic, start another thread. We have too mamny Cretinists and IDers trying to hop all over the place when they cant stand evidence .

Why is a rationale question , Simply stated IMHO its the nature of the chemical bond.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 11:55 am
The answer you invariably get from evo-losers on that one goes sort of like


"Abiogenesis is not part of the theory of evolution and if you were anything other than the ignorant white-trash redneck you so clearly are, you 'd know that, blah, blah....

Which being translated into plain English means:

"If we get good enough with the ad-hominems, we might could get by with having to defend one untenable BS ideological doctrine instead of two of em..."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 12:06 pm
Abiogenesis is not part of the theory of evolution (.) No matter what you wish it to be, you only bleat that stuff when youve been confronted with objective evidence rather than your predigested mind cud.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 12:50 pm
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 01:12 pm
gungasnake wrote:
The answer you invariably get from evo-losers on that one goes sort of like


"Abiogenesis is not part of the theory of evolution and if you were anything other than the ignorant white-trash redneck you so clearly are, you 'd know that, blah, blah....

Which being translated into plain English means:

"If we get good enough with the ad-hominems, we might could get by with having to defend one untenable BS ideological doctrine instead of two of em..."

Straw Man - You cannot demonstrate the purported answer you allege to be "invariable" is in fact any such thing. Further, while I've not researched the matter, I should be unsurprised were you unable to provide a single example from within this discussion that would meet the parameters you've established as defining the "invariable answer".

I submit, gunga, that your postings persistently validate the criticism laid against you (and your ilk) HERE
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Diest TKO
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 01:38 pm
Gunga - You have yet to provide proof that any alternative to evolution can be resolved to.

The truth is that there is ultimate evidense around us everywhere. Is it evidence for evolution? creationism? other?

Evolution is based on looking at the evidence. Even if it is wrong, it's wrong in the sense of how or when evolution happens, not that evolution exists.

Creationism is the answer and then the rest is resolving to fit the answer. It's simply untrue.

I'm sure there is some error in the way the scientific community accepts evolution, but it's no different than the nuclear model of atoms and the way we understand physics. New information tends to prove more and more what we already know.

We used to think that the earth was the center of the universe. Then when we found out that the sun not us was. Than we found out not the sun but etc etc. then we learned that all orbits are conic in nature. all of these discovories trumped the old science, but didn't return us to having the earth as the center of the universe.

The evidence out there will disprove what we know now, I'm sure, but it like the discovery of conic orbits, will prove evolution happens in a different way, not that evoltino doesn't happen.

I cant put it any more simple than that.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:11 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Chumly wrote:
Even if it could be argued that there is no overwhelming evidence for evolution, that presumed argument would in no way support some other origin explanation, nor would that presumed argument in any way give merit to a supernatural explanation of origin.

That's right, but that doesn't help evolution. A theory can only be so fubar, and you're better off WITHOUT a theory, i.e. just say "Hey, this is some sort of **** we don't really know anything about." Evolution is beyond that point.

Like I say, I have friends who are atheists and agnostics who do not believe in evolution.

Gunga, read my previous post. That last statement of yours means nothing. What you are saying is that the fact the a few people that you have met do not believe in evolution is evidence. Why? Because you are scraping for any bit of "evidence" that you can find. Why? Because there is none.
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 03:12 pm
You continue to come up with childish insults? Sad.

Evo-losers? Wtf?
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 05:40 pm
farmerman wrote:
Thats not the meaning of the word evolution Schmerdek. If you want to engage in that topic, start another thread. We have too mamny Cretinists and IDers trying to hop all over the place when they cant stand evidence .

Why is a rationale question , Simply stated IMHO its the nature of the chemical bond.

Who is Schmerdek? Confused
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Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 06:46 pm
no, what is schmerdek
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jan, 2007 07:30 pm
He's on third.
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