Don't tell me there's no proof for evolution

Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2012 10:09 pm
Anomie wrote:
View my recent post to parados.
No, there are too many of them.
Anomie wrote:
Can you define this "scientific proof" interpretation?
No, I don't have time to redefine basic knowledge. You can look it up. If you are confused about some aspect of it many of us here might be willing to help you understand it, but you would have to be specific about what you don't understand.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2012 10:16 pm
I argued that evolution cannot be proven
Again, SO WHAT? It can be evidenced quite well by overlapping and mutually supporting disciplines,and by means of evidence, it can be used to make predictions. AND, none of the evidence has ever been refuted. GenerallyWe reserve "proofs" for plane geometry .

I argued that genetics does not define macro evolution, and it is defined by phylogenetics
I have no idea what the hell youre getting at here. If you change the word "phylogenetics" to phylogenesis , then it makes sense. (But even so, I disagree mightily with your statement), while (b) is true, (a) is also demonstrable when we use varying orders of extant life with rapid reproduction cycles.

I argued that humans are no longer subjected to macro selection pressure, it is suggested that anatomy is no longer variant, such as brain size/density, height, eyes...ect
You may wish to reconsider when you think about STR's that mark for significantly larger lung capacities in Sherpas and SNPs that define sickling. Each of these are fairly recent aspects of human evolution. and appear to be environmentally induced.

Homo sapiens idaltu was not very different from H sapiens sapiens, but as a "hominim" chronospecies it defined macro evolution (in the whole of the available population of fossils.
The term "macro evolution is, as several others have said, a favorite red herring of IDers and "Creation SCience".
They stipulate to "micro evolution" but not macro evolution. Both words aare merely members of a continuum . The operant evolutionary phenoms for macro-evolution are morphological changes that usually are accompanied by adaptive radiation. Creationists would like to make believe that there is some kind of great wall beyond which no further evolution is possible. There are several hundreds of stories of recent species that provide counter evidence to the Creationists baseless assertions

I think the polar bear v brown bear data is quite compelling as there is a fairly decent geographically ordered fossil record as well as a superb genetic map of the two.
The monophyletic origins of Lake Victoria cichlid fish, and their adaptive radiation is a very compelling story (Axel Myer,NATURE347: 1990. , Haplochromine Cichlids of LAke Victoria. in Keelyside et al.Cichlid Fishes, behaviour, Ecology, and Evolution Chapman and HAll 1991

Morphological divergence and environmental polymorphism in Arctic Char. Adaptive radiation of Madagascar mammals accompanied by large scale speciation is well researched, as is the "American Exchange" the fairly recent mixing of unique species that had developed after Pangea split and then rejoined as S America joined N AMerica at the isthsmus of Panama.
These are only ones that I can dredge out of my dusty mind bin . There are several other great examples of phylogenesis , accompanied by adaptive radiation. So, both genetic typing and phylogenesis are routinely accepted as evidencing macro-evolution.
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 05:30 am
A species is a population whose members are able to interbreedfreely under natural conditions.

That's the definition I posted the other day.

Hardy- Weinberg predicts that a large amount of genetic variation occurs during every mating congress.

Does he offer any possible explanations of the causes of the variations, their extent, the process, the reason behind them, their future? After all fm, one might observe a large wedding and that prediction looks a bit obvious. It is another example of turning the banal into pseudo-scientific jargon in order to Wow the self-improvers.

Studies on polars and grizzlies show that the females produce chemically different pheromones , while brown bears produce pheromones of very similar nature Hence weve seen some hybridization between these two.

That's a bit superficial imo. The Wow factor again.

We just measure a significant change in a fossil, measure its mass and metrics, and then carefully try to fit it within a geologic period (plus or minus a chron or three).

And the "try" becomes a "fact" once "carefully fitted" I suppose as with the long series of "might", "could be", "suggests" etc etc.

Anomie claimed that all the evidence for evolution is "merely" circumstantial. So is the evidence of the theory ofUniversal magnetism and the ATomic theory.

But UM and AT don't have dramatic effects on social organisation as evolution theory does. Do you reject this point as being irrelevant?


How can anything refute it when it's a closed system? Almost every aspect of respectable human social activity refutes it. Including your own.
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 05:36 am
Whenever spendi spends time bolstering someone other than himself, I automatically send up my red semaphor.

Sheesh!!. How can I bolster someone else when I'm on my own in this dispute? I don't think Anomie will accept that I bolstered him. I've informed him that he will lose the argument if he plays in your sandpit. And he will.

You really do go in for gambits that I usually associate with ladies.

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Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 05:59 am
Again, SO WHAT? It can be evidenced quite well by overlapping and mutually supporting disciplines, ....

More deviousness fm. I imagine they'll have to screw you into the ground when you're done.

What is tellingly missing is the word "all". Edit your remark to "all overlapping and mutually supporting disciplines" and we might have something to discuss. When you are determining which "overlapping and mutually supporting disciplines" we have nothing to discuss except the unscientific nature of your proceedings.

I think the polar bear v brown bear data is quite compelling..

I don't think that what you "think" is "quite compelling" is sufficiently compelling to justify turning the social system inside out. The social system is only necessary to countermand evolution and without its existence, warts and all, you wouldn't have the capacity to spout your partial and extreme political drivel.

BTW--What is your alternative to the Nanny state? You failed to answer that question after you had introduced the subject yourself for the purpose of a cheap jibe. I'm reminding you in case you hadn't seen the question. I can't allow myself the luxury of assuming you deliberately ignored it. That would be beyond the pale of decent and courteous discourse and one doesn't like to think that "educated" American gentlemen of experience and erudition would let themselves be caught in that ignominious position.

So what is your alternative to the Nanny state?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 06:17 am
This is fm's new profile--

A kinder gentler farmerman. He has met up with mortality and its scared the **** our of him so much that he doesnt see the need for incessent debates over relatively minor topics.

From fm's recent posts on here one assumes he does not consider this subject to be a relatively minor topic. And it must be just that if the matter is cut and dried and simply a question of looking up a few references in a few carefully chosen, well-fitting manuscripts.

My profile is the first thing I ever wrote on A2K and it is unchanged to this day. And will remain so.

For a civilised approach to brushes with mortality I recommend the early chapters of Queen Sheba's Ring by Sir Henry Rider Haggard. Especially "The Death Wind" chapter.
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 07:23 am
My life is continually presenting new experiences from which I often draw valuable observations and conclusions. My new profile is the result of events of August-December 2011

My profile is the first thing I ever wrote on A2K and it is unchanged to this day. And will remain so
Im sorry that your life is so dull. Arent you benefitting from the "interesting times" during which we live? Even a microbe, no matter how it has evolved, would be totally bug-**** about new tropisms that it has developed. The human body does develop a tropism toward ethanol ingestion.

As far as your "bluelining" my writing style(that makes me smile when I remind you of the moat in your own eye)I often omit qualifiers and adjectives of quantitation since my opinions are mine alone, so how I wish to present my cases is a choice. (Anyway, Ive begun using "Dragon" and Im having a bit of trouble maintaining my otherwise precise and concise writing style. I notice that Ive begun to emulate your prose style in which run-on sentences and "butterfly phraseology" frequently appears. However, I notice that my overall typo quotient is declining (which is a positive).
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 07:48 am
re the HArdy Weinberg distribution
Does he offer any possible explanations of the causes of the variations
"They certainly do" HArdy and Weinberg were two individuals who, in the early 1900's developed a binomial expansion of the distribution of gene frequency within populations , it doesnt take into account mutation and environmental conditions (there are several good expressions as "models" that do) the H-D mathematics is all a reflection of a growing populations genetic diversity.It is a math expression and not, a biological "
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 09:57 am
Im sorry that your life is so dull.

You needn't be old boy. The most enjoyable periods are those of profound dullness. Anything interesting is usually a pain in the ass. Have you not noticed that?

The Chinese curse has validity.

It took me far too long to get my tropisms into proper order. And I am very proud of my writing style actually. What I need are intelligent readers.

How do you like this? --

Day by day to travel on across an endless sea of sand so remote, so unvisited that for whole weeks no man, not even a wandering Bedouin of the desert, crossed our path. Day by day to see the great red sun rise out of the eastern sands, and, its journey finished, sink into the western sands. Night by night to watch the moon, the same moon on which were fixed the million eyes of cities, turning those sands to a silver sea, or, in that pure air, to observe the constellations by which we steered our path making their majestic march through space. And yet to know that this vast region, now so utterly lonesome and desolate, had once been familiar to the feet of long-forgotten men who had trod the sands we walked, and dug the wells at which we drank.

Armies had marched across these deserts, also, and perished there. For once we came to a place where a recent fearful gale had almost denuded the underlying rock, and there found the skeletons of thousands upon thousands of soldiers, with those of their beasts of burden, and among them heads of arrows, sword-blades, fragments of armour and of painted wooden shields.

Here a whole host had died; perhaps Alexander sent it forth, or perhaps some far earlier monarch whose name has ceased to echo on the earth. At least they had died, for there we saw the memorial of that buried enterprise. There lay the kings, the captains, the soldiers, and the concubines, for I found the female bones heaped apart, some with the long hair still upon the skulls, showing where the poor, affrighted women had hived together in the last catastrophe of slaughter or of famine, thirst, and driven sand. Oh, if only those bones could speak, what a tale was theirs to tell!

There had been cities in this desert, too, where once were oases, now overwhelmed, except perhaps for a sand-choked spring. Twice we came upon the foundations of such places, old walls of clay or stone, stark skeletons of ancient homes that the shifting sands had disinterred, which once had been the theatre of human hopes and fears, where once men had been born, loved, and died, where once maidens had been fair, and good and evil wrestled, and little children played. Some Job may have dwelt here and written his immortal plaint, or some king of Sodom, and suffered the uttermost calamity. The world is very old; all we Westerns learned from the contemplation of these wrecks of men and of their works was just that the world is very old.

Haggard of course. Who else? Some might refer to "butterfly phraseology" but I don't see one wasted word.

If you want a good laugh read Haggard. My fundamental objection to evolutionism is that it is so unfunny although Origins has its amusing bits I'll admit.

Funny is where it's at.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 10:00 am
Again, SO WHAT? It can be evidenced quite well by overlapping and mutually supporting disciplines,and by means of evidence, it can be used to make predictions. AND, none of the evidence has ever been refuted. GenerallyWe reserve "proofs" for plane geometry .

The topic states, 'don't tell me there's no proof for evolution'.

I have no idea what the hell youre getting at here. If you change the word "phylogenetics" to phylogenesis , then it makes sense. (But even so, I disagree mightily with your statement), while (b) is true, (a) is also demonstrable when we use varying orders of extant life with rapid reproduction cycles.

Phylogenetics is phylogenesis.

Furthermore, genetics is a holistic interpretation of evolution, speciation is not the antecedent conditions.

Does the concept of 'binary nomenclature' exist from micro evolution?
Did Darwin acknowledge micro evolution?

Phenotype is suggested to be generally morphological.

Modals (micro and macro) are contructed to open the spectrum.

You may wish to reconsider when you think about STR's that mark for significantly larger lung capacities in Sherpas and SNPs that define sickling.

Is this phenomena macro evolution (speciation)?
Are you suggesting that such are no longer homo sapien sapiens?
Are autistic humans, such as aspergers np longer homo sapien sapiens?
Is any 'deviation' of typicality, such as neurology no longer satisfies the required conditions of homo sapien sapiens?

I previously stated (@failures art):
No, it [micro evolution] occurs on the quantum scale, we are probabilities of particles at given point calculated by wave function.

Why do you not deconstruct further than biology?
Is it because the concept of evolution no longer exists?
Who defines this empirical spectrum, you, the scientific consensus, or the original interpreter?

Also, the theory of how evolution occurs ['gradualism' as an example] is open to interpretation, unless you are attempting to measure evidence 'rationally'.

Perhaps the sherpas have been subjected to blood doaping, it is a higher altitude.

Also, are you suggesting that humans of cystic fibrosis or sickling traits are of a different 'race', or 'polymorph' (instead of sub species) perhaps?

This 'race' interpretation cannot be defined by the scientific method.

Each of these are fairly recent aspects of human evolution. and appear to be environmentally induced.

Is there any contempoarary genetic isolation, do obese or intellectually disabled humans die?

I already stated that humans in the paleolithic era would survive to 54 years of age if they survived past 15 years of age, therefore if humans survived predators, starvation, accidents, dominance...ect, they survive such stimuli and reproduced, meaning the allele frequency of 'dominant' physical and cognitive traits increase.

Homo sapiens idaltu was not very different from H sapiens sapiens, but as a "hominim" chronospecies it defined macro evolution (in the whole of the available population of fossils.

Can you define sub species?

What is sub speciation?

The term "macro evolution is, as several others have said, a favorite red herring of IDers and "Creation SCience".
They stipulate to "micro evolution" but not macro evolution. Both words aare merely members of a continuum . The operant evolutionary phenoms for macro-evolution are morphological changes that usually are accompanied by adaptive radiation. Creationists would like to make believe that there is some kind of great wall beyond which no further evolution is possible. There are several hundreds of stories of recent species that provide counter evidence to the Creationists baseless assertions.

Macro evolution does not derrive from creationists or any other theology, even it did, you would be subjeceted to a genetic fallacy for denying macro interpretations on the basis of origins.

Also, I am not religeous, I am ignostic (non cognitive).

I think the polar bear v brown bear data is quite compelling as there is a fairly decent geographically ordered fossil record as well as a superb genetic map of the two.
The monophyletic origins of Lake Victoria cichlid fish, and their adaptive radiation is a very compelling story (Axel Myer,NATURE347: 1990. , Haplochromine Cichlids of LAke Victoria. in Keelyside et al.Cichlid Fishes, behaviour, Ecology, and Evolution Chapman and HAll 1991...
Morphological divergence and environmental polymorphism in Arctic Char. Adaptive radiation of Madagascar mammals accompanied by large scale speciation is well researched, as is the "American Exchange" the fairly recent mixing of unique species that had developed after Pangea split and then rejoined as S America joined N AMerica at the isthsmus of Panama.
These are only ones that I can dredge out of my dusty mind bin . There are several other great examples of phylogenesis , accompanied by adaptive radiation. So, both genetic typing and phylogenesis are routinely accepted as evidencing macro-evolution.

I already stated that I agree.

I specifically argued that humans are no longer subjected to macro selection pressure, being that the environment (fire and grains) may have been a sustaining cultural basis for humans.

Also, when I stated 'genetic isolation', it entails your example of madagascar, there are no continents to isolate humans, 'recessive' humans may culturally fly and reproduce.

How does natural seection entail speciation in this case?

Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 11:07 am
The main problem with Hardy Weinberg is that it's mathematical grounding is beyond the mental reach of the vast bulk of the population and thus your average ordinary sort of people, who all have one vote, need to take it for granted, which they are disposed to do for ego tickling purposes, and thus the conclusions follow automatically because they derive from the mathematical grounding and are therefore true.

Much more interesting, imo, is the new scientific discipline which does its field work in the mouldering graveyards of Europe. Trying to find out who got the money and how and bearing in mind that women were running the show only not so openly as to bring it too obviously to attention. They had rather overdone that in the Dark Ages. (see the Male v Female thread where some Wally picked a fight with the ladies on a pitch the Male had no hopes on. I've not decided yet whether he was taking the piss or not or, if he was, which side he was taking it out of. He did expose how quickly the overdone mode reasserts itself when given the chance. Had some of them been possessed of a cock's comb and a decent crow they would have been on the Church spire point with it.)

Be that as it may, when the Corpsome Project gets up to speed you will be able to find out what an amalgum of what Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper called "the Precious Bodily Fluids" you actually consist of.

Whether your title to your lands, buildings and the rights therein is valid or not. As it is it is derived from Christian betrothal procedures rather than the DNA picture which, I am reliably informed, will lead to a fair amount of red face reflex and hot flush response, and quite a conundrum for the USSC to unravel assuming it daren't come down for Christian interpretations and bang the gavel down.

Some hint darkly that the blue blood of our aristocracy is not that blue and there are some who are licking their salivating chops at the prospect of the PBF printouts being leaked.

I can think of scientific theology to get round the above difficulty with HW. "Hey--it's okay--it puts Science up the agenda--this ego tickling is working well I feel-- most of the population think of themselves as "scientific" now-- our message is slowly getting across--Dr. Baldilocks can do the peer reviewing--he knows what rocking the boat entails--if Hardly and Whineberg can explain it then we all can explain it--it goes without saying---otherwise we end up fighting among ourselves and playing into the hands of these superstitious knuckledraggers who can't understand simple logic--right then--anybody against?--good--what's the next business?--oh yes--the shindig in Rome."

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 11:09 am
Phylogenetics is phylogenesis
Its an awkward term implying something else. No matter, you seem to deny genetic proofs of "Macroevolution". How bout humans and chimpanzee chromosomal counts.?
A more arcane example are Cichlid fish that have overtaken and occupied several niches in Lake Victoria. SO much so that theyve radiated into all types of fish with many diets and geographic ranges.
Genetic variation in these fish clearly show the "founder population" effects on the derived species.

All this had occured in a measl;y 40 K years. Its not saltation either.
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 11:33 am
I agree that evolution is a 'fact'.

However, I believe that specifically humans have not been subjected to macro selection pressure in the last 10,000 years (neolithic intervention).

There is self preservation in the natural ('cave man') environment.

There was no culture in the paleolithic era (or at least proto), rape may have even been the normative.
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 11:46 am
Does the concept of 'binary nomenclature' exist from micro evolution?
Did Darwin acknowledge micro evolution?

The Linnean system of BN was developed as a type of Creationist attempts at classification

Did Darwin acknowledge micro evolution?

the term was of much later origin. However, Darwin DID experiment with several morphological aspects that we would call "micro"

Perhaps the sherpas have been subjected to blood doaping, it is a higher altitude.
. Cmon, lets talk realities. Their genetic makeup has coded a specific complement of Short tandem repeat alleles (STR's) that code for lung capacities in the HOXa and HOX nb. SCience has been tracking down lots of these specieation. I was trying to show you a mechanism since you clkearly stated that speciation could NOT be seen in the genetic complement of an organism. Thats just flat wrong. I didnt discuss the chimp and human since I thought this was beating another dead horse.

Also, are you suggesting that humans of cystic fibrosis or sickling traits are of a different 'race', or 'polymorph' (instead of sub species) perhaps?

Phenotype is suggested to be generally morphological.

Phenotype is the outward expression of the traits of an organism. It is the result of the interaction of the development of the genotype as affected by the environment. The correct is a two part one

Is this phenomena macro evolution (speciation)?
You seem to be one who actually believes that the processes for macro and micro evolution are different. I dont really have the desire to argue the point with you other than to say that micro evolution worked on through time yields macro evolution.

Are you suggesting that such are no longer homo sapien sapiens?
Are autistic humans, such as aspergers np longer homo sapien
Now youre being purposely obtuse. I was correcting your misconception of mechanisms and my entire post was about mechanisms, NOT PRODUCTS.

[micro evolution] occurs on the quantum scale, we are probabilities of particles at given point calculated by wave function
. We know perfectly well how the processses occur and they are peptide linkages and covalency (Quanta need not apply). I have a feeling that you like to sound more profound than you are able.

Macro evolution does not derrive from creationists or any other theology,
I never said it did and you are misquoting me. I said that the concept, (macroevolution) is a favorite of the Creationists. They stipulate that "Microevolution" occurs in the normal variation and gene flow. Macro evolution, they say. just doesnt occur, (even though significant genetic , morphological and fossil data refutes that position).

specifically argued that humans are no longer subjected to macro selection pressure, being that the environment (fire and grains) may have been a sustaining cultural basis for humans.

Also, when I stated 'genetic isolation', it entails your example of madagascar, there are no continents to isolate humans, 'recessive' humans may culturally fly and reproduce.

How does natural seection entail speciation in this case?

Thats a popularly held opinion of many. (Doesnt mean its correct). My discussions of "Mechanisms" (like genetic markers for the Sherpa lung capacity ) Geographic isolation can be imposed by many means other than tying one down on a given plot of land and wait several tens of centuries. MAny types of geographic isolation are self imposed (like Amish and Lubowitzer Jews). Keep an open mind about what is or is not a mechanism in natural selection. Nat selection is the mechanism, speciation is the product. AS Raup said "Most evolution is the result of adaptation"

Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 12:09 pm
He's in his element with this stuff Anomie. And he's got stamina.

He loves these long words. "Short tandem repeat alleles" eh. Knock out the spaces and change the inflection a little and it's like the Icelandic of the Sagas. I'll not translate it on this occasion.

rape may have even been the normative.

It would be more interesting if you were to speculate upon its adaptive efficiency. As a jumping off point I mean. From the paleo to the neo.

I had better not try it.
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Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 01:37 pm
MAny types of geographic isolation are self imposed (like Amish and Lubowitzer Jews).

Nope! Those groups are culturally isolated. There's no genetic isolation as there is in geographical segregation. You switch from one to the other presumably hoping we don't notice. The time scales of entities such as the Amish and the LWs are too short for evolution.

I don't think women will put up with those Amish guys for all that long. I don't know about the LWs. Wonen are not big on seclusion.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 02:51 pm
The Linnean system of BN was developed as a type of Creationist attempts at classification

Why are you using taxonomic classification?

Again, genetic fallacy.

Are all religious philosophers and scientists invalid.

Is the scientific method not falsifiable?

Cmon, lets talk realities. Their genetic makeup has coded a specific complement of Short tandem repeat alleles (STR's) that code for lung capacities in the HOXa and HOX nb.

What is the sample size?

Are you certain that such allele traits are exclusive to Sherpa's?

Does this also suggest that there are more 'intelligent races', are such statistics assumed to be consistent?

Furthermore, what of environmental factors?

There has been 'black' families of 'white' human offspring.

SCience has been tracking down lots of these specieation. I was trying to show you a mechanism since you clkearly stated that speciation could NOT be seen in the genetic complement of an organism. Thats just flat wrong. I didnt discuss the chimp and human since I thought this was beating another dead horse.

This is a false attribution, I never stated this "genetic complement" (this is cognitive bias).

The scale of speciation does not satisfy 'micro' conditions.

Phenotype is the outward expression of the traits of an organism. It is the result of the interaction of the development of the genotype as affected by the environment. The correct is a two part one

I agree.

You seem to be one who actually believes that the processes for macro and micro evolution are different. I dont really have the desire to argue the point with you other than to say that micro evolution worked on through time yields macro evolution.

By definition, micro evolution =/= macro evolution.

However, macro evolution contemporarily acknowledges micro evolution.

Now youre being purposely obtuse. I was correcting your misconception of mechanisms and my entire post was about mechanisms, NOT PRODUCTS.

This is a misconception.

I am arguing that micro conditions do not necessarily entail macro conditions.

Geneticist =/= Paleontologist

Perhaps scientists have constructed more categories, which do not appeal to the consensus.

. We know perfectly well how the processses occur and they are peptide linkages and covalency (Quanta need not apply). I have a feeling that you like to sound more profound than you are able.

Is cosmology consistent with quantum mechanics?

Does biology acknowledge wave-particle dualism?

We know perfectly well how the process of evolution occurs (time) and there is transitional fossil evidence (genetics need not apply). I have a feeling that you like to sound more profound than you are able.

I never said it did and you are misquoting me. I said that the concept, (macroevolution) is a favorite of the Creationists. They stipulate that "Microevolution" occurs in the normal variation and gene flow. Macro evolution, they say. just doesnt occur, (even though significant genetic , morphological and fossil data refutes that position).

Very well.

However, there does not appear to be a universal spectrum, furthermore it is fallible epistemology, such as the paraign shift to quantum mechanics.

Humuns are required to cogent 'empirical facts'.

Thats a popularly held opinion of many. (Doesnt mean its correct).

I do not appeal to consensus, nor authority, they are informal logical fallacies.

My discussions of "Mechanisms" (like genetic markers for the Sherpa lung capacity ) Geographic isolation can be imposed by many means other than tying one down on a given plot of land and wait several tens of centuries. MAny types of geographic isolation are self imposed (like Amish and Lubowitzer Jews). Keep an open mind about what is or is not a mechanism in natural selection. Nat selection is the mechanism, speciation is the product. AS Raup said "Most evolution is the result of adaptation"

Let us assume that your arguement regarding the sherpas is correct, this does not refute my arguement.

What else will vary?

Morphological, physiological and biochemical variants until it is taxonomically defined as homo[insert species].

In this case, it is contemporarily homo sapien sapiens [insert STR's for lung capacity variant].

Again, there is contemporarily no macro selection pressure, however there is selection pressure.

Will scientists define your arguement lung capacity arguement as the "product"?

We agree that speciation has a 'practical definition', yet it may also be interpreted as a fuzzy concept until universally consistent.

Also, did I not already state self preservation of organisms, does human culture satisfy a natural environment of 'extream' stimuli and restrictions to biological apparatus.

Are antigens (specifically synthetic agents) have selection pressure?

Do empty caloric (empty micro nutrition) foods have selection pressure, does this mean humans will no longer require nutrients?

Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2012 07:23 am
Why are you using taxonomic classification?
Because the system devised by Linneaus is still the basis for the classification of ALL biological species and higher taxa. (Unless you are privvy to a more mdern system in operation). Anyway the entire Linnean system is basically Creationist and there are several folks I know at the USGS and at Princeton who are wprking on a classification system that involves alphanumeric coding that will, like DNA, enable the viewer to discern the beasts name and still understand the relationship , genetically, that it has with other beasts. I dont see that hitting the newstands for several decades if ever.

Too many people in the racket love to spout off these latin names like "Felis concolor" for a puma.

However, there does not appear to be a universal spectrum, furthermore it is fallible epistemology, such as the paraign shift to quantum mechanics
I have no idea what youre even trying to say here. Very Big stuff and very small stuff appear to have their own systems of laws and theories no? The present attempts to "Link" the cosmos and the subatomic world by mathturbatory means is not working out too well as I see it. Just a lot of cosmologists and particle physicists with self promoting tv shows. (They are really quite boring since they never get down to anything at the edges)

By definition, micro evolution =/= macro evolution.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2012 08:07 am
The system attributed to Linneaus is the only system for classification of bugs and bunnies that Im aware of. The long awaited non Creationist alphaneumeric system may be several decades away and Im sure the damn English will deny it.

Furthermore, what of environmental factors?

There has been 'black' families of 'white' human offspring
The Environment is what species ADAPT TO!! Thats about as clear as I could make it. As far as tribal melanism and albinism, yeh it occurs but whats the point youre trying to spearhead here??? Albinism follows a specific expansion from Hardy Weinberg. I suppose melanism does too, but I dont know.

The scale of speciation does not satisfy 'micro' conditions.

Id suggest reading some of Shubins stuff (from a paleontologist /paleogeneticists view point. Youre just wrong in this. Theres a continuum that I defy anyone to be able to point out where micro and macro start or end.

Geneticist =/= Paleontologist

Get with it man. This is the age of interdisciplanary studies. I might introduce you to Neil Shubin, who, as a trained anatomist and paleontologist, is presently the Dean of the Medical School at the U of Chicago ( not a creationist hotbed Im led to believe). Hes been active in evolutionary "clade studies via genetic inferences. It was he, and his team that found a"fishapod" of the upper Devonian, by using good scientific detective work:Shubin also uncluttered the genetic complements of many of the Cichlid fishes ahove rapidy speciated ,and a collegue, using paleogenetics unraveled how stickelbacks and "Ice Fish" in deep Artctic waters have made huge species changes due to subfreezing water connditions. (They turned the haemoglobin into antifreeze which is chenically clear and so the fish are mostly translucent). Very interesting what motivated scientists can accomplish in furthering our understandings of cladistics and evolutionary mechanisms via interdiciplanary work.(I suspect that the Nobel prize committee may be looking atShubin's work for its universal applications to medical research).
Also I might mention that Daniel Fairbanks was once a watercolor artist who became a geneticist via some minor study in paleontology.In evolutionary genetics and molecular biology of evolution YOU CANT AVOID PALEO. You must really embrace the concept of interdisciplnary study, its the wave of the present.

I get a feeling that, like you and parados, we are now talking past each other. I dearly love to discuss what evidence means and compare notes on worldviews. You seem to be enamored with linguistic[/]semantics. Id like to continue but my eyes glaze over when Im being told that we must instead discuss meanings of terms that merely fog the meat of the discussion.

[quote] Is cosmology consistent with quantum mechanics?

Does biology acknowledge wave-particle dualism?

[/quote] I dont know. There seems to be a significant amount of work today that is an attempt to link the two. Its not my bag of goodies. Sorry. I have a buddy who is a biophysicist at a big research center at a U and they do a lot of research on theapplications of wave/particle lux. My buddy looks at the adaptive nature of the insect eye in various light wavelengths.

[quote] However, there does not appear to be a universal spectrum, furthermore it is fallible epistemology, such as the paraign shift to quantum mechanics.

[/quote] When one of my students would include "universal spectrum", fallible epistemology" and"paradigm (sic) shift to quantum mechanics" in a single sentence,my BULLSHIT DETECTOR goes wild . I like to take the student aside and have it explain what it just said on the bluebook. I often get a few "systematic linguistic retrograde vocalizations" SO I gotta admit that I have no idea what you just said but it sounds great. Im sure spendi will glom it for his next barfight.

[quote] What else will vary?

Morphological, physiological and biochemical variants until it is taxonomically defined as homo[insert species].

In this case, it is contemporarily homo sapien sapiens [insert STR's for lung capacity variant].

[/quote] Yep, think continuum of effect. As Miller said,

"evolution is merely taking what youve already got, modifying it through time as a result of some environmental pressure, then doing something different with it" Are sherpas undergoing speciation? maybe not but they are adapting to something external.

[quote] We agree that speciation has a 'practical definition', yet it may also be interpreted as a fuzzy concept until universally consistent.

[/quote] The fact that, for 99.999% of species follow the biological definition is pretty good betting odds for me. The last 0.0009% could be the focus of study of this " fuzziness". Ive no argument with that. Im sure some wag at a major research org like Planck Institute has looked into the biostatistics of speciation already.(certainly not the Discovery Institute-they surely dont want evidence to get in the way of their worldview).

Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2012 09:47 am
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