If you wish to call it "Faith" go ahead. I prefer to ana;lyze available data and evidence to see whether it fits into a workable explanation for any phenomenon. "Faith" is kimnd of a diminution of all the important work that goes into not disproving a theory.
When we have a theory, weve already gone waay beyond a simple hypothesis (where there probably is some faith , but its in your own abilities ). A theory has ALL the evidence in support and NO evidence that refutes it.
When you get down to such a simple case of prove or disprove, you can see how a theory builds upon itself.
NOW, if we find some disconnect between , say , the theory of evolution at the micromolecular scale, then wed have to develop some corollary that fits or else we would have to abandon the theory. (I dont think its gonna happen because, until now, ALL the molecular data has firmly supported the theory)
Allowing this theory to be tested by predictions based upon it; or testing it against falsifiability propositions is a way that we add more bricks to the wall of evolutionary synthesis.
FAITH really has very little to do with anyhing, and if youve worked that out in Russia, I can almost understand. Ever since Lysenko had coopted the entier Russian biological science program, it took the SOviet Union decades to even catch up. Lysenko 's own propoganda was based upon a "False belief" in a concept that , today, is being resurrected in special conditions of epigenetic inheritance of multi generational effects . When the Lysenko guys were studying inheritance of acquired characteristics, they experimented on plants and fur bearing animals (theyd stretch necks and cut off tailes). Today we have seen that chemical effects on specific organizms can be inplanted into successive generations of offspring , even when the chemical irritant is removed . The mechanisms for some of this epigenetic inheritance has been looked at and is being applied in novel cancer treatments.