username wrote:Sure, intelligence is a valid subject for discussion, but if you're gonna discuss it, ground the discussion on fact and what we know, not just on airy supposition.
And just what do we 'know' regarding intelligence? Not much according to some, including a good definition that everyone agrees on. Should we wait til then to discuss it?
username wrote:I. What intelligence tests "measure", to the extent that they do, is only one of somewhere between seven and ten or more different kinds of "intelligence" (depending on who's counting), some of which seem to have far more relevance to success in life than Stanford-Binet does.
Yep. So? What's your point? (Probably the same as mine.)
username wrote:II. As noted in the links above, I.Q. seems not to be fixed, but have significant dependency on social and economic variables. That is, it's risen five to ten points for EVERYBODY over the last eighty or ninety years, as social and economic conditions have ramped up for the country. If it were actually measuring something genetic, that shouldn't happen.
Does intelligence follow economic status? Or the other way round? How do you know?
The general lift of all IQ scores over the last few generations could be due to the general 'dumbing down' of the measurement tools.
But I don't agree that this 'proves' intelligence isn't based, in some measure, on genetics.
Height is based, in at least some measure, on genetics, but it is also based somewhat on nutrition. The 'average' height of Americans has risen significantly over the last century, probably due to better nutrition.
username wrote:III. As also cited in other posts above, when social and economic variables are taken into account, most of the supposed differences between "races" dis appears.
Again, is the cart first, or the horse?
username wrote:IV. The variations within "races" are greater than the differences between "races".
So are you saying that genetics plays NO role in intelligence?
username wrote:V. The genetics indicates that ALL of us came from a small population, of an order of magnitude around 10,000 individuals, around 160,000 years ago. There just isn't a whole lot of genetic diversity in modern humans--far less than in most mammalian species. And most of that is in external characteriestics like skin color or eye color. So far there's no indication of any genetic differences in "intelligence". You can suppose all you want. But in the absence on any evidence, that's all it is, is supposition.
Evidence indicates we all came from just one line, even earlier than what you think.
username wrote:VI.Something the "racial difference" demagogues conveniently ignore is that the same test results they trumpet also indicate that whites score up to twenty IQ points LESS than Asians, on average. Which means that if they're going to write off Africa as hopeless, then Europe and America are equally to be written off, and we should just bow to the natural superiority of the Chinese....
OK. So perhaps the Asians ARE genetically more gifted with capacity for intelligence.
Would that scare you? Would you reject a 'scientific conclusion' of Asian intellectual superiority because you didn't like the social implications?
username wrote: because they are far smarter than we are and much better able to determine what is best for us and for the race as a whole........
Only if you accept the premise that intelligence is the key factor to determine who should guide society.
I don't.
Good judgement and moral character are far more important.
I'd rather have a morally upright person of average intelligence as President , than an evil genius any day. How 'bout you?