Don't tell me there's no proof for evolution

Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 01:37 pm
real life wrote:
parados wrote:

A circular reaction gets you life according to Shapiro. You didn't read him did you? You keep claiming things he didn't say. You keep denying things he DID say.

I didn't deny he said it.

I said I disagreed with his proposed solution.


We know you disagree. (Except when you claim to agree.)

We also know you don't have any science background to back you up.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 02:50 pm
real life wrote:
I brought Shapiro into the discussion because I thought his perspective as an award winning chemist is relevant. He thinks that a replicator arising by natural processes is an extremely unlikely possibility.

No he doesn't.

He's just proposing a precursor to replication. He never said anything about replication not arising naturally.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 02:54 pm
real life wrote:
He doesn't mention the Faint Sun as one of his factors. I consider it a relevant factor however. It reduces the locations where significant chemical activity needed to pull off a Miller-Urey type miracle (and beyond) could occur.

Says you. The science whiz. Smile

I think I'ld sooner believe that if my dog barked it at me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 02:54 pm
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

Your other solution , a 'greenhouse effect' is one that was taken into account by Dr Bada, and was shown to slightly mitigate but not reverse the cold climate (the oceans would 'ONLY' be frozen on the top 300 meters).
LOL.. oh? Care to show me the abstract for the Bada paper that includes an atmosphere with lots of CO2 and frozen oceans?

The papers I see are he assumes the levels of CO2 are NOT elevated when the oceans are frozen. He then calculates that a large meteor would melt all the oceans releasing enough CO2 and other green house gases to keep the oceans from refreezing. Oops. the meteor just created the atmosphere that Miller-Utey used and the temperatures as well.

Once again you are using someone's argument and warping it for your own purpose without taking their ENTIRE argument into account.


I'll take your word for the content of the paper, without critiquing it.
And without correcting your statements about what Bada said it looks like. I would think a "person of God" would have a little bit more integrity when it comes to being wrong and having the humility to admit that fact to yourself and others.


So after all of this denial , you finally found out that Bada DID postulate frozen oceans. Good.
Wow. that is some **** you are pulling out of your ass to throw around. Please point to where I ever denied Bada postulating the oceans were frozen. You will not be able so show me saying that anywhere. (I see you decided to attack me instead of dealing with the inconsistencies in your argument. Miller-Utey's atmosphere couuld not have existed for when Bada postulates the oceans were frozen. Bada postulates that atmosphere did exist AFTER the oceans were thawed.)


(Why the need for them to thaw if they were not frozen, eh?)
More **** based on the first **** you pulled out.

Then you (and he) pin your hopes for unfreezing them on meteors. Laughing

That's fine by me.
I didn't postulate that meteors unfroze the oceans. Bada did in the same article he postulated the oceans were frozen to a depth of 300 meters.


Keep stacking up those far fetched scenarios, parados.
You are the one that said we needed to accept Bada's hypothesis and kept claiming the oceans were frozen when Miller-Utey's atmosphere existed. Who's stacking up far fetched scenarios?


'We didn't want to think about the oceans being frozen---

---- but if we time the meteors just right,

----- then they could cause the oceans that we didn't want frozen to thaw,

------then perhaps LOTS of lightning strikes would happen in the SAME PLACE to the SAME HANDFUL of chemicals up in the atmosphere,

-----and they would become amino acids,

------and then these would fall to the ground in the SAME PLACE

------so that they could combine into a self replicating molecule.

Voila! The first DNA!'

Rolling Eyes
Keep throwing the **** real life. Eventually even you will start to smell the stink in your arguments.

And you do know what would happen to a DNA molecule in the open environment , don't you? Laughing

Better figure out a way for those amino acids that fell from the sky to insert themselves into a protective, semi-permeable membrane of some sort. Rolling Eyes[/quote]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 02:58 pm
baddog1 wrote:
hingehead wrote:
Generally scientists are of the opinion that a possible proof against the theory of evolution would be the existence of a fossilized house cat in pre-cambrian sandstone (or something to that effect).

What would a religious person accept as proof that their god(s) did not exist?

hingehead (and ros :wink: ):

Complete loss of faith by all humans.

It seems that for you, "proof" is in the believing.

Hingehead was talking about a different kind of proof of course Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 06:31 pm
real life wrote:
hingehead wrote:

What would a religious person accept as proof that their god(s) did not exist?

Kinda tough to prove a negative.

That does't even make sense, tons of things have been proved not to exist, in fact aren't the anti-evolutionist trying to prove it doesn't exist?

I just offered you the sort of evidence that would convince me that my concept of evolution was massively flawed. Now I'm asking you to offer an example of the sort of evidence that would convince you god doesn't exist. That's a fairly simple request, I would have thought.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 09:40 pm
Rl's criteria for accepting that god doesn't exist is similar to dividing by zero.

0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 07:35 am
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
I brought Shapiro into the discussion because I thought his perspective as an award winning chemist is relevant. He thinks that a replicator arising by natural processes is an extremely unlikely possibility.

No he doesn't.

He's just proposing a precursor to replication. He never said anything about replication not arising naturally.

Yep my bad.

That's what happens when you get in in a hurry. Thanks.

We had discussed this several times and I think everybody understood the context in which I meant it. But in case they didn't your clarification/correction is a good one. Cool
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 07:38 am
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
He doesn't mention the Faint Sun as one of his factors. I consider it a relevant factor however. It reduces the locations where significant chemical activity needed to pull off a Miller-Urey type miracle (and beyond) could occur.

Says you. The science whiz. Smile

I think I'ld sooner believe that if my dog barked it at me.

Well, I'd say if the oceans are all frozen (either completely or 'just' the first 300 meters) , then there would be a lot less water vapor available in the atmosphere.

Do you disagree with that?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 07:56 am
Not to bring science into the discussion, but for anyone insisting on a frozen earth model, here is some information from studies of Saturn's moon Iapetus. I clipped the article because too much science at one time seems to be against A2Ker's rules. I DID highlight the pertinent information of whether or not water vapor is present and mobile on extremely cold celestial objects. I now return you to your arguments ad infinitum.


NASA scientists are on the trail of Iapetus' mysterious dark side, which seems to be home to a bizarre "runaway" process that is transporting vaporized water ice from the dark areas to the white areas of the Saturnian moon.

This "thermal segregation" model may explain many details of the moon's strange and dramatically two-toned appearance, which have been revealed exquisitely in images collected during a recent close flyby of Iapetus by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Infrared observations from the flyby confirm that the dark material is warm enough (approximately -230 degrees Fahrenheit or 127 Kelvin) for very slow release of water vapor from water ice, and this process is probably a major factor in determining the distinct brightness boundaries.

0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 07:57 am
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

Your other solution , a 'greenhouse effect' is one that was taken into account by Dr Bada, and was shown to slightly mitigate but not reverse the cold climate (the oceans would 'ONLY' be frozen on the top 300 meters).
LOL.. oh? Care to show me the abstract for the Bada paper that includes an atmosphere with lots of CO2 and frozen oceans?

The papers I see are he assumes the levels of CO2 are NOT elevated when the oceans are frozen. He then calculates that a large meteor would melt all the oceans releasing enough CO2 and other green house gases to keep the oceans from refreezing. Oops. the meteor just created the atmosphere that Miller-Utey used and the temperatures as well.

Once again you are using someone's argument and warping it for your own purpose without taking their ENTIRE argument into account.


I'll take your word for the content of the paper, without critiquing it.
And without correcting your statements about what Bada said it looks like. I would think a "person of God" would have a little bit more integrity when it comes to being wrong and having the humility to admit that fact to yourself and others.

real life wrote:

So after all of this denial , you finally found out that Bada DID postulate frozen oceans. Good.
Wow. that is some **** you are pulling out of your ass to throw around. Please point to where I ever denied Bada postulating the oceans were frozen. You will not be able so show me saying that anywhere. (I see you decided to attack me instead of dealing with the inconsistencies in your argument. Miller-Utey's atmosphere couuld not have existed for when Bada postulates the oceans were frozen. Bada postulates that atmosphere did exist AFTER the oceans were thawed.)

real life wrote:

(Why the need for them to thaw if they were not frozen, eh?)
More **** based on the first **** you pulled out.
real life wrote:

Then you (and he) pin your hopes for unfreezing them on meteors. Laughing

That's fine by me.
I didn't postulate that meteors unfroze the oceans. Bada did in the same article he postulated the oceans were frozen to a depth of 300 meters.

real life wrote:

Keep stacking up those far fetched scenarios, parados.
You are the one that said we needed to accept Bada's hypothesis and kept claiming the oceans were frozen when Miller-Utey's atmosphere existed. Who's stacking up far fetched scenarios?

real life wrote:

'We didn't want to think about the oceans being frozen---

---- but if we time the meteors just right,

----- then they could cause the oceans that we didn't want frozen to thaw,

------then perhaps LOTS of lightning strikes would happen in the SAME PLACE to the SAME HANDFUL of chemicals up in the atmosphere,

-----and they would become amino acids,

------and then these would fall to the ground in the SAME PLACE

------so that they could combine into a self replicating molecule.

Voila! The first DNA!'

Rolling Eyes

And you do know what would happen to a DNA molecule in the open environment , don't you? Laughing

Better figure out a way for those amino acids that fell from the sky to insert themselves into a protective, semi-permeable membrane of some sort. Rolling Eyes
Keep throwing the **** real life. Eventually even you will start to smell the stink in your arguments.

Really classy reply there parados. No substance, just ad homs and denials.

Can't you support the idea of life coming from non-life with anything other than that?

If you think amino acids were generated in an early atmosphere, explain how they managed to land in the same place and eventually combine into an xNA molecule of some sort.

Explain how this xNA molecule didn't degrade and disintegrate from the chemical action of the environment in which it was located.

Explain how many lightning strikes on the same batch of chemicals (this is classic Miller-Urey stuff) you think it would take to generate even 10% of the amino acids you will need.

If lightning is your energy source, explain how amino acids survive the 60,000 degree temperature that you told us accompanied it.

If you now agree with Bada that the oceans were frozen and were thawed by the 300 meter thick ice being busted up by meteorites, explain where the meteorites are now. Did these meteorites just go away?

Explain where the rest of the amino acids came from that you'll need. (Even under Miller-Urey's rigged conditions, they fell woefully short of even the basic building blocks needed. So you're gonna need some more miracles.)

Did the rest of the amino acids ride in on the meteors that busted the ice? If so, how did they 'hook up' with the amino acids generated by the lightning? Was there an amino acid dating service available? Laughing

C'mon parados.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:03 am
TheCorrectResponse wrote:
Not to bring science into the discussion, but for anyone insisting on a frozen earth model, here is some information from studies of Saturn's moon Iapetus. I clipped the article because too much science at one time seems to be against A2Ker's rules. I DID highlight the pertinent information of whether or not water vapor is present and mobile on extremely cold celestial objects. I now return you to your arguments ad infinitum.


NASA scientists are on the trail of Iapetus' mysterious dark side, which seems to be home to a bizarre "runaway" process that is transporting vaporized water ice from the dark areas to the white areas of the Saturnian moon.

This "thermal segregation" model may explain many details of the moon's strange and dramatically two-toned appearance, which have been revealed exquisitely in images collected during a recent close flyby of Iapetus by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Infrared observations from the flyby confirm that the dark material is warm enough (approximately -230 degrees Fahrenheit or 127 Kelvin) for very slow release of water vapor from water ice, and this process is probably a major factor in determining the distinct brightness boundaries.

hi TCR,

I don't think I stated or implied that water vapor couldn't be present on earth under conditions where the oceans are frozen.

I said there would likely be a lot less of it available in the atmosphere.

Do you disagree? Or do you simply like to pretend I said something that I didn't?

It's very unfortunate when folks who drape themselves in the banner of science post such deceptive replies.

It gives science a bad name.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:05 am
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
He doesn't mention the Faint Sun as one of his factors. I consider it a relevant factor however. It reduces the locations where significant chemical activity needed to pull off a Miller-Urey type miracle (and beyond) could occur.

Says you. The science whiz. Smile

I think I'ld sooner believe that if my dog barked it at me.

Well, I'd say if the oceans are all frozen (either completely or 'just' the first 300 meters) , then there would be a lot less water vapor available in the atmosphere.

Do you disagree with that?

There you go ignoring what Bada really said. Again.

Bada never said that the oceans were frozen when the atmosphere that Miller et al used existed. He said they would NOT be frozen. He said the thawing of the oceans would have PRODUCED that atmosphere by releasing methane and other green house gases.

You just love to throw **** and pretend it came from some science source yet when we check the source your **** stinks pretty bad. Bada says that after the oceans thawed the atmosphere Miller et all used would have existed. Bada used SCIENCE and MATH to show the energy from meteors and how there was ENOUGH of that energy to melt the oceans. You have provided ****. You have not shown how Bada's figures are wrong in the amount of energy that would be derived from meteor strikes. We KNOW how much energy it takes to melt ice. We KNOW how much energy is produced from an object going through the atmoshpere and hitting the earth at a given speed. Please provide us with your math disputing Bada.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:09 am
If lightning is your energy source, explain how amino acids survive the 60,000 degree temperature that you told us accompanied it.

yeah, because people never surive those, especially that one last year that had lightning jump into his/her mouth and fly out his/her ass. obviously, it's something no amino acid could survive at the time, even though they do all the time when people are around to witness it.

If you now agree with Bada that the oceans were frozen and were thawed by the 300 meter thick ice being busted up by meteorites, explain where the meteorites are now. Did these meteorites just go away?

right, metorites from how many thousands of years ago, in the ocean, should be EASY to identify as such now, right? i mean we don't have any ROCKS on earth, so where did they go, eh? where are these so-called "rocks" we supposedly have on earth?

and don't change the subject by calling real life a liar! even if he is a liar, that's AD HOM! don't clutter a logical exchange by pointing out the need for honesty. god damn you suck, rl. you're like the rush limbaugh or george w. bush of creationism. record setting b.s., with no end in sight.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:11 am
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
He doesn't mention the Faint Sun as one of his factors. I consider it a relevant factor however. It reduces the locations where significant chemical activity needed to pull off a Miller-Urey type miracle (and beyond) could occur.

Says you. The science whiz. Smile

I think I'ld sooner believe that if my dog barked it at me.

Well, I'd say if the oceans are all frozen (either completely or 'just' the first 300 meters) , then there would be a lot less water vapor available in the atmosphere.

Do you disagree with that?

I don't know. I haven't looked into any of that before.

The Snowball Earth hypothesis is the only one I'm familiar with at this time, and even that isn't well supported, so I haven't wasted much time exploring assumptions about a condition I don't even have reasonable evidence to believe existed yet.

But what does any of this have to do with you giving us some evidence for YEC?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:14 am
hingehead wrote:
real life wrote:
hingehead wrote:

What would a religious person accept as proof that their god(s) did not exist?

Kinda tough to prove a negative.

What do you propose?

That does't even make sense, tons of things have been proved not to exist, in fact aren't the anti-evolutionist trying to prove it doesn't exist?

I just offered you the sort of evidence that would convince me that my concept of evolution was massively flawed. Now I'm asking you to offer an example of the sort of evidence that would convince you god doesn't exist. That's a fairly simple request, I would have thought.

Well perhaps I'm just not as skilled at proving a negative as you are. That's why I asked for suggestions. Got any?

As for your question about anti-evolutionists trying to prove evolution didn't happen, I've stated on a number of occasions that the idea of evolution (in the form that it is currently championed and defended) is unfalsifiable.

To accomplish this, evolutionists have defined evolution very broadly -- virtually any genetic change qualifies.

Then when objections to evolution are raised, the response is often 'well, we may not know HOW evolution occurred, we just KNOW that it did.'
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:22 am
and the answer to your question, which you'd know intuitively IF YOU KNEW ANYTHING AT ALL about science, or better, ADMITTED what you did know, is that it's incredible what conditions can be survived when the exposure is for a fraction of a fraction of a second.

if you're designing a circuit with l.e.d.'s, they can only take so much current (per a unit of time, that is) before they burn out. you can overload them, give them much more than their "rating" in current, again and again over many years, if you only "flash" them on and off very quickly, however. with things like that, there is an opportunity for them to burn, but a good chance they won't.

if you were honest, i think you'd realize and admit that people, and amino acids, survive lightning. i think you'd also realize that metorites in a thawed ocean left for thousands (try millions) of years would be impossible to find, but not for never having existed.

but you're clearly not interested in scientific discussion, you're here to troll. and that's the one field you should have a phd in. how many of your lies are people going to tolerate before they develop the sense to ignore you? i don't know, but i hope people like you "discover evolution" someday, if only in the form of having some kind of personal integrity.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:26 am
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:27 am
real life wrote:
Really classy reply there parados. No substance, just ad homs and denials.

Can't you support the idea of life coming from non-life with anything other than that?

If you think amino acids were generated in an early atmosphere, explain how they managed to land in the same place and eventually combine into an xNA molecule of some sort.

Explain how this xNA molecule didn't degrade and disintegrate from the chemical action of the environment in which it was located.

Explain how many lightning strikes on the same batch of chemicals (this is classic Miller-Urey stuff) you think it would take to generate even 10% of the amino acids you will need.

If lightning is your energy source, explain how amino acids survive the 60,000 degree temperature that you told us accompanied it.

If you now agree with Bada that the oceans were frozen and were thawed by the 300 meter thick ice being busted up by meteorites, explain where the meteorites are now. Did these meteorites just go away?

Explain where the rest of the amino acids came from that you'll need. (Even under Miller-Urey's rigged conditions, they fell woefully short of even the basic building blocks needed. So you're gonna need some more miracles.)

Did the rest of the amino acids ride in on the meteors that busted the ice? If so, how did they 'hook up' with the amino acids generated by the lightning? Was there an amino acid dating service available? Laughing

C'mon parados.

And rather than dealing with any of your inconsistencies you change the subject. LOL..

Are you going to admit your lie here?
So after all of this denial , you finally found out that Bada DID postulate frozen oceans. Good.
or are you going to just pretend you CAN LIE and no one will notice. So, SHOW us where I denied that Bada postulated the oceans were frozen. You LIED. You have refused to admit your LIE.

Let's look at my substance which you say didn't exist.
1. You failed to correct your statement but ignored your error.
2. You lied about what I had said when you claimed I denied Bada postulated frozen oceans.
3. Bada didn't postulate the oceans were frozen when the Miller et al atmosphere existed in direct contradiction to your repeated claims.
4. You accused me of postulating something that I never did.
5. I said your argument is ****.

I see some substance in what I said. I see no response from you on any of those points. But number 5 stands out as being more true every time you post.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 08:34 am
tinygiraffe wrote:

right, metorites from how many thousands of years ago, in the ocean, should be EASY to identify as such now, right? i mean we don't have any ROCKS on earth, so where did they go, eh? where are these so-called "rocks" we supposedly have on earth?

We are talking meteors that probably would have to be many miles in diameter, at the time of impact.

Not something that 'burnt up in the atmosphere'.

It was big when it hit.

We are not talking pebbles here.
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