parados wrote:real life wrote:parados wrote:real life wrote:
Your other solution , a 'greenhouse effect' is one that was taken into account by Dr Bada, and was shown to slightly mitigate but not reverse the cold climate (the oceans would 'ONLY' be frozen on the top 300 meters).
LOL.. oh? Care to show me the abstract for the Bada paper that includes an atmosphere with lots of CO2 and frozen oceans?
The papers I see are he assumes the levels of CO2 are NOT elevated when the oceans are frozen. He then calculates that a large meteor would melt all the oceans releasing enough CO2 and other green house gases to keep the oceans from refreezing. Oops. the meteor just created the atmosphere that Miller-Utey used and the temperatures as well.
Once again you are using someone's argument and warping it for your own purpose without taking their ENTIRE argument into account.
I'll take your word for the content of the paper, without critiquing it.
And without correcting your statements about what Bada said it looks like. I would think a "person of God" would have a little bit more integrity when it comes to being wrong and having the humility to admit that fact to yourself and others.
real life wrote:
So after all of this denial , you finally found out that Bada DID postulate frozen oceans. Good.
Wow. that is some **** you are pulling out of your ass to throw around. Please point to where I ever denied Bada postulating the oceans were frozen. You will not be able so show me saying that anywhere. (I see you decided to attack me instead of dealing with the inconsistencies in your argument. Miller-Utey's atmosphere couuld not have existed for when Bada postulates the oceans were frozen. Bada postulates that atmosphere did exist AFTER the oceans were thawed.)
real life wrote:
(Why the need for them to thaw if they were not frozen, eh?)
More **** based on the first **** you pulled out.
real life wrote:
Then you (and he) pin your hopes for unfreezing them on meteors.
That's fine by me.
I didn't postulate that meteors unfroze the oceans. Bada did in the same article he postulated the oceans were frozen to a depth of 300 meters.
real life wrote:
Keep stacking up those far fetched scenarios, parados.
You are the one that said we needed to accept Bada's hypothesis and kept claiming the oceans were frozen when Miller-Utey's atmosphere existed. Who's stacking up far fetched scenarios?
real life wrote:
'We didn't want to think about the oceans being frozen---
---- but if we time the meteors just right,
----- then they could cause the oceans that we didn't want frozen to thaw,
------then perhaps LOTS of lightning strikes would happen in the SAME PLACE to the SAME HANDFUL of chemicals up in the atmosphere,
-----and they would become amino acids,
------and then these would fall to the ground in the SAME PLACE
------so that they could combine into a self replicating molecule.
Voila! The first DNA!'
And you do know what would happen to a DNA molecule in the open environment , don't you?
Better figure out a way for those amino acids that fell from the sky to insert themselves into a protective, semi-permeable membrane of some sort.
Keep throwing the **** real life. Eventually even you will start to smell the stink in your arguments.
Really classy reply there parados. No substance, just ad homs and denials.
Can't you support the idea of life coming from non-life with anything other than that?
If you think amino acids were generated in an early atmosphere, explain how they managed to land in the same place and eventually combine into an xNA molecule of some sort.
Explain how this xNA molecule didn't degrade and disintegrate from the chemical action of the environment in which it was located.
Explain how many lightning strikes on the same batch of chemicals (this is classic Miller-Urey stuff) you think it would take to generate even 10% of the amino acids you will need.
If lightning is your energy source, explain how amino acids survive the 60,000 degree temperature that you told us accompanied it.
If you now agree with Bada that the oceans were frozen and were thawed by the 300 meter thick ice being busted up by meteorites, explain where the meteorites are now. Did these meteorites just go away?
Explain where the rest of the amino acids came from that you'll need. (Even under Miller-Urey's rigged conditions, they fell woefully short of even the basic building blocks needed. So you're gonna need some more miracles.)
Did the rest of the amino acids ride in on the meteors that busted the ice? If so, how did they 'hook up' with the amino acids generated by the lightning? Was there an amino acid dating service available?
C'mon parados.