real life wrote:Earlier you said it wasn't a strawman because you didn't claim that it was my position.
It is true that i never claimed that you had said that "
. . . if you can show evolution didn't occur does it prove that life as we know it didn't come about by natural means?"--which was the statement by Parados to which you responded that that was a strawman which i had set up. So i was pointing out that i had not said that, so i was responsible for no such strawman. So you responded by quoting me saying something different than what was implicit in Parados' question. Therefore:
Quote:Now you say it isn't a strawman because it is my position.
This is misleading, because what you did quote me as saying is not a strawman because it is true. So:
Quote:Why can't you stick with one story?
Is a rather typically stupid rhetorical question on your part, because you were attempting to claim that two different statements constituted "one story."
I have not ever said you have claimed that if evolution could be proven not have occurred that life as we know it did not come about by natural means, which is the question Parados asked, and which you then lied about when you claimed it was a strawman by me.
Allow me to emphasize that--you lied, because i have never made such a claim.
Then you quoted me pointing out that you so often imply that if you can cast doubt on a theory of evolution, you have shown that your poofism is the only plausible answer left. That is not at all the same as the question Parados asked you. That did not constitute proof that i had erected the strawman you originally accused me of erecting.
However, it is easily demonstrable that it is your position that if life did not arise from naturalistic means, then it must have arisen from supernatural causes. So that is not strawman, as you attempted to claim by offering my quoted criticism of your method as proof that i have erected a strawman, because it happens to be a faithful characterization of your position.
In the first instance, there was no strawman, because i've never said that. In the second instance, in which you quoted me,
that was no strawman, because it is an accurate characterization of your position.
If there is anyone here unable to keep his stories straight, it's you. You accused me of having erected a particular strawman when you dodged the question Parados asked you. I never made any such statement, so i was not responsible for any such strawman. Then you quoted what i had written, in a brainless attempt to support your claim about a strawman, and i've pointed out that that is no strawman either, since is accurately describes the position you hold, which i've demonstrated by quoting you, with links to the posts.