I hope so Olga.
When I use the word globalisation I don't intend it to have the negative connotations many people associate it with. I was talk more about the movement of people, ideas, understanding, commonality as opposed to profit above all else corporatism.
Yes, indeed. It certainly isn't all negative.
There are many benefits for ordinary people as a result of globalization. We know each other so much better. We are not that much different from each other, after all.
But the corporate/profit influences tend to dominate the rest. They have more power than any government on the planet.
I wonder if the time will ever come when we have world-wide trade unions? To ensure a fair go for every worker, no matter which country they live in.
The power of the corporations over the lives of ordinary people & often, their elected governments, really worries me.
Best way to destroy the US is to have W as President permanently. He will bring about civil war resulting in the US becoming a two-state union composed of Texas and Florida with a treasury worth $12 trillion of i.o.u's.
The governments have given as way too much to the corporations. The Business Schools are destroying democracy with their money over democtratic values and citizen rights. Corporations were orinally temporary but grew more powerful over the years. There need to be a roll back.
Lamm wrote:[To destroy America]I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. I would replace the melting pot metaphor with the salad bowl metaphor. It is important to ensure that we have various cultural subgroups living in America enforcing their differences rather than as Americans, emphasizing their similarities."
So what's next-get rid of the annual St. Patrick's Day parade?