I am incredulous that au1929, of all people, posted this simple-minded, mush-headed screed. It stands in marked contrast to all his other, well thought out postings.
Good grief, au, where did you dig this one up from, NewsMax?
Just a couple of examples.
Quote:Increasingly, Muslim restrictions on alcohol and dogs also effect Western non-Muslims: Somali cab drivers in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., Pakistani minicab drivers in London, England, and Muslim taxi drivers in Melbourne, Australia, refused to transport blind passengers with guide-dogs only after the Saudi religious police issued a ban on dogs.
Am I supposed to get all heated up about this? The best the authors can do to get us all up in arms about "creeping Islamism" is to find three different cities on three different continents where SOME cab drivers won't carry guide dogs. That is not much.
New York City and Washington, DC have a lot of cab drivers from Muslim countries. I haven't heard any cabbies are doing it there. And if they had, I am sure we would hear about it from these authors. Frankly, this whole thing sounds like a case where, in the entire Western world, three taxi garages in separate countries had one super religious Muslim on the crew and he convinced four or five other Muslims in the garage to go along with him. Big story.
Quote:In many European countries, Islamists are staging demonstrations against legislators' actions to ban veils hiding the faces of Muslim women. While the legislators seek to increase public security, the Islamists protest that the ban violates their "religious freedom."
Oh come on, those laws are plainly aimed specifically at Muslims' traditional clothing. Please explain how preventing women from wearing veils increases security. I don't recall any incidents where veiled women blew anything up. And even if there were, making a woman remove the veil is not going to affect the fact that the bombs are strapped underneath her dress. How can Muslims NOT feel that laws specifically targeting their traditional female clothing is not an abridgement of their ability to practice their religion?