Plenty people believe in the existence of a god and I believe they should be free to do so without necessarily having fun poked at them.
They can bother their god as much as they like as long as they don't think that gives them a right to bother me.
Our McTag, who art in North-West England...
McTag wrote:Plenty people believe in the existence of a god and I believe they should be free to do so without necessarily having fun poked at them.
The believer is not the belief, and the arguer is not the argument. Believer and arguer, absent evidence to the contrary, deserve such respect as is due any individual. Beliefs and arguments, however, sink or swim on their own presents and merits. An absurd belief or ludicrous argument deserves shredding where and when encountered.
Quote:They can bother their god as much as they like as long as they don't think that gives them a right to bother me.
baddog1 wrote:Wilso is the selfishness of the theist that demands the time to celebrate the fantasy. As an athiest, I'm only too happy to share the spoils of the lunacy. We deserve it just for putting up with the fruitcakes.
LOL - sounds like riding on the coat-tails... of the fruitcakes to me! :wink:
It get's me a paid day off work with no responsibility to spend half of it in some church/mosque bobbing my head like a demented parrot!
Well, as many other posters have said in one way or another, re the word, I react before anything to the word 'unbelievers'.
Such an authoritative perjorative word, unbeliver, so encompassing of many concepts. at the same time such a vaporous indictment.
But, yes, I'm an a person who doesn't presently believe in all the offerings of gods to believe in by folks on earth.
What was the actual question?
Something about distribution of year end bonus pay, gilded or not with the word Christmas? I can see new savvy re the verbiage.
Bad dog, I don't mean to be rude, but I've been wondering about you. You've posted myriad question announcements with never a link, and I'll guess you don't know how, since I asked for a link many times from you - you don't have a good support system, or don't have links.
I don't care, but others may.
ossobuco wrote:Well, as many other posters have said in one way or another, re the word, I react before anything to the word 'unbelievers'.
Such an authoritative perjorative word, unbeliver, so encompassing of many concepts. at the same time such a vaporous indictment.
But, yes, I'm an a person who doesn't presently believe in all the offerings of gods to believe in by folks on earth.
What was the actual question?
Something about distribution of year end bonus pay, gilded or not with the word Christmas? I can see new savvy re the verbiage.
Bad dog, I don't mean to be rude, but I've been wondering about you. You've posted myriad question announcements with never a link, and I'll guess you don't know how, since I asked for a link many times from you - you don't have a good support system, or don't have links.
I don't care, but others may.
Ossobuco: As I mentioned before - look up the definition of "unbeliever". There was no malice intended when I chose this word; the definition is clearly not offensive and is very accurate.
And please post on here where you've asked me for a link(s) - I missed those opportunities.
How many examples of proof do you need concerning your wrong assertion about my link-posting?
As to your statement that I have not posted a link with my questions - what is your point?
Wilso wrote:baddog1 wrote:Wilso is the selfishness of the theist that demands the time to celebrate the fantasy. As an athiest, I'm only too happy to share the spoils of the lunacy. We deserve it just for putting up with the fruitcakes.
LOL - sounds like riding on the coat-tails... of the fruitcakes to me! :wink:
It get's me a paid day off work with no responsibility to spend half of it in some church/mosque bobbing my head like a demented parrot!
Opportunity for cash w/o work outweighs
"belief". Why am I not surprised?
Wilso wrote:As an athiest, I'm only too happy to share the spoils of the lunacy. We deserve it just for putting up with the fruitcakes.
It's much the same as when I worked for a company where about 25% of the employees were unionized. The company negotiated with the union - and then gave all of the same benefits to non-union members. Deal. Sold.
Christian/non-Christian - all the same bennies.
Union/non-Union - all the same bennies.
baddog1 wrote:Wilso wrote:baddog1 wrote:Wilso is the selfishness of the theist that demands the time to celebrate the fantasy. As an athiest, I'm only too happy to share the spoils of the lunacy. We deserve it just for putting up with the fruitcakes.
LOL - sounds like riding on the coat-tails... of the fruitcakes to me! :wink:
It get's me a paid day off work with no responsibility to spend half of it in some church/mosque bobbing my head like a demented parrot!
Opportunity for cash w/o work outweighs
"belief". Why am I not surprised?

There's certainly no reason to be surprised. I've made it quite clear on many occasions that I believe religion to be nothing but ancient superstition. Nothing but a crutch for pathetic, frightened, immature minds who are unable to come to terms with the billion to one accident that represents their existence.
The effect of holidays for me is not precisely as I've stated. Since I'm a shift worker, we don't necessarily get public holidays off. But the penalty rates earned for working weekends/public holidays has been put into our salary. Thats the reason that shift workers earn so much more than day workers doing the same job. As it's turned out, I'm rostered for christmas and new years this year anyway.
I wouldn't go as far as Wilso. I think its okay for folks to believe in a deity or deities, and to worship whom they like, as long as they don't bother anyone else.
It's the bothering bit that causes the trouble.
One would expect any Christian receiving an actual Christmas bonus, as opposed to an Annual Bonus, would tithe the entire amount to his/her church. Doing otherwise might lead to sinful thoughts and actions: Envy, Greed, Pride, violations of the Ninth Commandment or Tenth Commandment or both and certainly, as easily seen in numerous households of my youth, Gluttony.
The theist ought to have the employer send said Christmas bonus directly to the Vatican in order to avoid the occasion of sin.
The atheist, alas, has no other option but to accept the Christmas bonus and to face the reality of the world on his own, poor thing, guided only by his own moral compass without a word of comfort from a father-confessor.
Joe(Ah, the temptations!)Nation
Thus spake Joe(he makes my head hurt)Nation
Into the Christmas cheer already, McTag??
Joe(none of that now!)Nation
Wilso wrote:There's certainly no reason to be surprised. I've made it quite clear on many occasions that I believe religion to be nothing but ancient superstition. Nothing but a crutch for pathetic, frightened, immature minds who are unable to come to terms with the billion to one accident that represents their existence.
Quite passionate about your non-belief aren't you? Passion is good; I respect those with passion. Of course you could also choose to use that passion for supporting those that you feel positively about - rather than bashing others - couldn't you? What fun would that be though?
Quote:The effect of holidays for me is not precisely as I've stated. Since I'm a shift worker, we don't necessarily get public holidays off. But the penalty rates earned for working weekends/public holidays has been put into our salary. Thats the reason that shift workers earn so much more than day workers doing the same job. As it's turned out, I'm rostered for christmas and new years this year anyway.
Interesting that you call them "penalty rates". From your position - it seems that you would call them;
opportunity rates! :wink:
I'm passionate due to the incredible damage done by religion. But I've expanded on that thought so many times, I've decided not to do so any more.
Joe Nation wrote:One would expect any Christian receiving an actual Christmas bonus, as opposed to an Annual Bonus, would tithe the entire amount to his/her church. Doing otherwise might lead to sinful thoughts and actions: Envy, Greed, Pride, violations of the Ninth Commandment or Tenth Commandment or both and certainly, as easily seen in numerous households of my youth, Gluttony.
The theist ought to have the employer send said Christmas bonus directly to the Vatican in order to avoid the occasion of sin.
The atheist, alas, has no other option but to accept the Christmas bonus and to face the reality of the world on his own, poor thing, guided only by his own moral compass without a word of comfort from a father-confessor.
Joe(Ah, the temptations!)Nation
One would expect the atheist who received a Christmas bonus to refuse it on principle. Unless of course he has none.
baddog 1
To your original question... "yes" cause they aint Christian rituals.... they are pagan originally.
Wilso wrote:I'm passionate due to the incredible damage done by religion. But I've expanded on that thought so many times, I've decided not to do so any more.
Like most other issues - it's not "religion" that did the damage - it's people! There are plenty of "bad" atheists, just like there are plenty of "bad" Christians, Jews, etc.!