See, nimh, you totally have an A2K fan club, you know you do.

Even P-dawg admitted he'd do you (with a whole bunch of caveats, but I think we all saw through that).
nimh wrote:patiodog wrote:I figured you were at least a little goofy-looking.
Looking grumpy helps. Whenever caught looking happy, I look completely goofy. Thats really the right word. And when caught unawares randomly, I mostly look stoned. So Ive started trying to remember to look grumpy for photos.
Mkay, I've tracked down where you posted photos of you through the years on the picture gallery thread, and I see that you have a big smile, and I can understand that you look at photos of you grinning and you see goofiness. You're too hard on yourself, of course; other people just see an open and friendly smile, but i can understand where you're coming from. Yes, not every facial expression looks fab when caught on film, especially not to ourselves.
Here is what I've realized, after long years of gloom over how
terribly bad I look in some photos: Still photos are not what other people see! What an incredible revelation, I know! But it really does make a big difference, and we don't take it into account enough.
I see photos of me where I look
literally mentally deficient, and for a long time I figured that's what I look like all the time. But when I finally saw myself on videotape, I was kind of astounded to see that (dare I say it) I looked-- okay, I'm gonna say it-- great. Yes,
great, damn it, shut up you mean voices in my head! (I have a very hard time saying anything good about myself.)
Do please remember that the rest of the world is not seeing you with one expression frozen on your face...You don't know how you look to people that are watching you talk and move and interact.