cyphercat wrote:Mkay, I've tracked down where you posted photos of you through the years on the picture gallery thread, and I see that you have a big smile, and I can understand that you look at photos of you grinning and you see goofiness. You're too hard on yourself, of course; other people just see an open and friendly smile, but i can understand where you're coming from.
Yes. Apart from the downright insane-looking toothy laugh, there's the creepy Tony Blair grin, that looks like it was stylised for some leaflet photo, but has just tipped over into just straight eekiness. Yeah, like with Blair.
cyphercat wrote:But when I finally saw myself on videotape, I was kind of astounded to see that (dare I say it) I looked-- okay, I'm gonna say it-- great. Yes, great, damn it, shut up you mean voices in my head! (I have a very hard time saying anything good about myself.)
Ha, you so sound like me.

Really. We must be lost twins somewhere.
Half full, half empty.. you and me both have these voices telling us how ugly or stupid we look, and they
really get up our (expletive)s - and at the same time, we also do have the ability to recognize them as a bad thing, and that, probably, things aint half as bad as we really do feel they are - and sometimes, we even catch a glance of ourselves that involuntarily makes us think, hey, thats actually pretty cool. Confidence despite ourselves, almost.
I had an example or two of that when I got round to making some more pics of myself, too, with this new cameraphone - and if I'm really, really,
really brave I might post those too.
patiodog wrote:People usually think I'm stoned when I'm not.
Which doesn't give one much of an incentive to not be stoned, eh?
Coupla years back, I was just sitting somewhere minding my own business, I dunno - perhaps on a square enjoying the sun, perhaps at a long wooden table out on a terrace, perhaps who knows where - and this guy who had sat down next to me looked at me and, as an unusual way to strike up a conversation, observed: "I bet you take a lot of drugs eh?"

OK, so he was kinda sorta a little right (though not in any definition of "a lot" I'd agree with), but still! Made me laugh tho.