Hey, Nimh! You feeling any better yet?
But thanks for asking, that was kind.
Phooey. Sorry you're not feeling better yet, thanks for checking in tho (I was getting a bit worried).
Yeah, Ive kept to the Dutch elections thread, where Ive been mostly muttering to myself like I felt like doing. Sorry for not checking in - I know - realise - that a bunch of you have been extremely kind and considerate, well beyond the call of duty, and many of your posts did make me feel a lot better (thanks flushd for that last compliment <smiles>), I just hadnt... yeah, I just hadnt gotten myself to come back.
Not, mind you, that Ive been in a miserable state all week, Ive gone to the movies, hung out with friends, enjoyed myself - just this thing, the thing Ive been writing about here, yeah, thats still the same, looming in the background and triggered by random reactions - well I guess Id better get used to it for a while still.
Thank you all, though. <nods>
When nimh hurts.... I hurt.
nimh, does Xmas usually bring a down for you?
take care. good to see a post of yours.
big hug for Nimh
...too much nodding here!
Yeah, it looks like a dang bobble head convention in here.
nods as well..
nimh wrote:dyslexia wrote:nimh you can always minimize the ugly part with a nice personality; have you tried that? (It worked for me)
Yep, tried it. Got me a coupla good friends, but noone to touch.
FreeDuck wrote:Would it help if I said that I like to bang ugly men?
Only if you repeat it in a PM but this time include your phone number.
Lord Ellpus wrote:Put it this way Nimh...... you may be ugly, but at least you're not Dutch.
There's another thing. (Most) people - except those
really close by and those with exceptional sensitivities - thats about 2 or 3 in all that I can think of in this town - dont realise. How I feel, I mean, how I really feel. How bad it is, kinda (though I hate myself for being whiny when I put it like that.) Because I'm always making a joke of it, you know? Just making fun of it, of the situation, carrying off any awkward revelation about how I feel by making fun of myself, or making some cheeky joke, or whatever. The whole "laughing because he's sad" thing.
(Though I can do unabashedly grumpy too, at least at work.. they forgive me for that luckily because I then make a joke about how I'm being grumpy and make them laugh with that. Etc.)
I haven't read all the pages, but I have read enough. I know how you feel so I can relate.
I've been reading along, nimh, taking in what you've said & how others here have responded.
A couple of things have occurred to me, though I'm hardly an expert on you & your life, but .....
I may be wrong here, but you sound a little lost & displaced where you're living now. Which place in Europe would you consider you feel perfectly, 100% "at home"? Where do you feel really in your element? With little (or no?) family left for you to consider a sort of permanent home base & also lacking a committed relationship right now, it'd be very easy for you to feel just plain lonely! And that would be perfectly understandable. We all need love & acceptance.
The other thing: it sounds as though you could discuss your medication with your doctor. Having been on it for quite a while now, with just a short lapse, it sounds like it might not be doing what it ought to be doing for you. Not that I'm an expert on these things, but it might be worth checking out.
And remember, winter is not your time!
Greetings to you, nimh & here's hoping life is looking a bit more positive (at least!) by now.
I've been reading along, nimh, taking in what you've said & how others here have responded.
A couple of things have occurred to me, though I'm hardly an expert on you & your life, but .....
I may be wrong here, but you sound a little lost & displaced where you're living now. Which place in Europe would you consider you feel perfectly, 100% "at home"? Where do you feel really in your element? With little (or no?) family left for you to consider a sort of permanent home base & also lacking a committed relationship right now, it'd be very easy for you to feel just plain lonely! And that would be perfectly understandable. We all need love & acceptance.
The other thing: it sounds as though you could discuss your medication with your doctor. Having been on it for quite a while now, with just a short lapse, it sounds like it might not be doing what it ought to be doing for you. Not that I'm an expert on these things, but it might be worth checking out.
And remember & take into account, winter is not your best time! :wink:
Greetings to you, nimh & here's hoping life is looking a bit more positive (at least!) by now.
kickycan wrote:nimh, I know what you mean. I feel your pain. That earlier little post I put up here was me in a nutshell. I didn't realize you had the same kind of deal.
I find that it sometimes helps to commiserate with somebody. Yeah, doing it on A2K is probably helpful, but if you had somebody you could just blow off steam with and blab about how much everything blows and how life isn't fair, and how the beautiful people get everything they want, and on and on and on...I think that might help. I know I've felt better after doing that in the past.
And if that doesn't work, go out, get sloppy-ass drunk, and say the most obnoxious line you can think of to the hottest, bitchiest-looking girl you can find. When she tells you to get the hell away from her you loser, scream in her face as loud as you can, "F*CK YOU, YOU F*CKING C***!", and run away.
I don't agree that the beautiful people get everything they want. I am told I am pretty, a fox, gorgeous, blah blah blah . I get asked out a lot. I feel ugly most of the time and sad. I cover up what I feel inside by joking. I think I am a nice person, but then people think I am devious and up to something. Could I use my looks to get things, probably. That is not what I want though. I just want people to like me for me, not my looks. When I realized you could put a picture up. I made the mistake of putting mine on. The others on the forum said OMG is that really you? Apparently I was not what they pictured. I unveiled myself on another forum just so the people who were on could see who they were talking to. That is the only reason. I immediately felt I did the wrong thing. So, now I keep this picture. It seems so many people see it as a weakness to say how you really feel.
oops!! Double post! Again.
Sorry about that.
Are you just trying to up your numbers?
tryingtohelp wrote:Are you just trying to up your numbers?

No, not at all!
But come to think of it ...!
These are the things people say to me
1) just get over it
2) What are you so unhappy about, you have everything
3) It will get better tomorrow
4) Go see a DR.
5) Just hang in there
There is more, but I don't think I need to continue to get the point across.
When I said I can relate, I was talking about the part where I just go along, joke with people, smile and nod. When what I really feel is sad inside. It gets old feeling like that. I wonder (I don't know about you) if things will ever get better.
Oh, and no offense to you msolga, but that is another thing people say, it is dreary out so that is probably why you feel the way you do. What about when the sun is out? Do you still feel the way you do? I know I do. So, because of these types of responses, I don't tell people that I know how I feel anymore.
No offense taken at all.
I was just referring to another thread, a while ago, where nimh was lamenting the end of summer. Needing to get out the winter coat & the days getting shorter & darker ....
I feel exactly the same. Winter isn't my best time, either! (understatement!)