Two things about nimh

Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 10:31 am
Whenever I get depressed, I like to listen to music that is sadder than I am.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 04:02 pm
I read the thread backwards, so I might have some distorted concept of it.

I just want to say that I can empathize with most of what you're feeling. Right now I don't feel ugly but I do feel insecure and unconfident and it's just as bad.

Wish we could meet in a bar and chat.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 04:13 pm
Whenever I get depressed, I like to listen to music that is sadder than I am.

Jeezus, why not just knit him a noose>
I was depressed a few weeks ago for about a week. There were some issues that , when addressed made me sad. I got on with some really strenuous exercise and mindless physical labour. I think I reached an endorphine level that mellowed me out. I still give myself a weekly "quick rinse" and it helps a lot .

Have you tried strenuous exercise?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 04:15 pm
Yeah, jp, that sounds like funeral music.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 04:48 pm
I dunno, I know where JP's coming from with the sad music. Works for me too. Death Cab for Cutie can be nice for melancholy days.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 05:35 pm
If you're no sadder then Death Cab For Cutie, you're doing all right.

Especially if you're talking about the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band song...
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 06:14 pm
No, they're not TOO sad, just kind of wistful. I was specifically thinking of Plans, that has all kinds of songs about dying and ending relationships and stuff, but it's still hopeful too.

I'll have to hear this Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band song, that sounds fun. Very Happy
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 06:44 pm
Just been listening, nimh. Hang in there. We all feel ugly sometimes, even when we are getting laid.

Growth can be very painful. I've no doubt you'll come out of this even more beautiful than you already are.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 07:50 pm
Re: Two things about nimh
nimh wrote:
1) I'm feeling ugly. Have been feeling, particularly ugly.

Just check out the pictures of me in the Chicago meetup thread. You will feel prettier in a microsecond.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 08:49 pm
As Farmerman said..."mindless physical labour"...that's what I was getting at earlier...don't think, do.

You gotta learn how to slow that big brain of yours down to a crawl...put a governor on those neurons, become the cave man....shut down that pesky neocortex, release the inner beast....act like you are missing a chromosome or two.

Find some Zulu war chants...dance naked in your front room holding a stick...hell, do it holding your own stick...you are a cave man, do as you wish.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 08:53 pm
Ah yes - exersize, manual labor..... when was the last time you walked in a forest?

Funny, I listen to sad music a lot and more often when I am depressed.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 09:04 pm
squinney wrote:
Just been listening, nimh. Hang in there. We all feel ugly sometimes, even when we are getting laid.

Thats no way to talk about the bear and his equipment. Laughing
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 09:12 pm
I agree with all the posts where people are saying move, exercise, if not actually chop wood. I know it's not an immediate surcease of alienation, but there is something to it, and I know you already walk and bike and hike.

I'm not sure I was ever happier than when I learned to do the crawl and then, very gradually, learned to swim a mile, nuthin' to do with anyone else.
A kind of getting out of the box, in that my natural place is in a chair a book, a footstool, a good light, something to drink, perhaps some toast, always has been and always will be. The computer is just a tangent of that.

I've also been desperately sad, and walked the beach for miles for months, often crying. Kind of your basic personal regrouping.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 09:23 pm
Speaking of sad things...I was thinking about posting this link in the thread Nimh started about Youtube....Unmasking of Lonleygirl....to show that even though I scoff at most it, there are some really thoughtful videos over there, but there is some cussing and a couple of girls kissing for a few seconds...so I haven't done it.

The video is a compilation of many of the "Stars" of Youtube...or at least notable moments...a highlight/lowlight reel I suppose. There is a scene with a young black kid and he is playing with a knife...and the voice over says something like...."I don't have any friends, I've tried to change my personality...etc". I feel so sorry for that boy that I want to go find him and play catch with him or something...anything. Nobody should ever be that sad, it's heartbreaking.

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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 09:52 pm
2PacksAday wrote:
Go borrow a huge powerdrill, a huge noisy powerdrill....find some long thick screws....drive them into whatever the hell you want to, if this gives you some joy....repeat. Break something...something big...break it hard...wake the neighbors....and again, repeat if needed. Go out and find {hunt down} the biggest steak in town, take it home and eat it with your hands, no knife, no fork...devour it as if it is going to be your last meal for a month.

Dude, I wouldnt know how to drill a hole in a wall if my life depended on it. Seriously. I dont even have a toolbox. Well, I have a toolbox but its in Holland. And it doesnt have a drill.

I'm thinking - I mean, I'm not saying I'm bleedin' Morrissey or anything, but - if I were the kinda guy to go out and handle his huge powerdrill (err, that sounded wrong, but you know what I mean) - I most probably wouldnt ever have had the problem that made me start this thread in the first place. Its like I was telling Dadpad on another thread... But yeah, we cant rebirth ourselves. Those are not the cards I have to play.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 09:55 pm
littlek wrote:
when was the last time you walked in a forest?

Three weeks ago... it was very pretty. We were going to go again last week, but it was raining - hailing, even, at one point. (F*cking hailing!) We did have a lovely day though - friend of mine and her two friends -

I'm thinking I should go on a walk in the forest on my own though. Its kinda hard to let go of this problem when you're in the company of 3, 4 beautiful women - who are not your lovers.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 10:05 pm
Alone would be good.

I think Osso nailed it when she talked about getting outside of the box. Face a fear, do the impossible.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 10:27 pm
sozobe wrote:
I think I've said before that nimh really reminds me of a good friend of mine, who was my boss at a used bookstore. He had a sort of an A in his past too, a big intense relationship that wasn't really healthy for either of them but left a huge impression. When I met him he was recently over that, and for the next 4-5 years I kept trying to get him to flirt/ ask women out/ whatnot and he just wouldn't. Wasn't him, and he didn't want to compromise who he was, even though he was getting more and more annoyed (to put it mildly) about being single. Then he finally met this woman at some sort of book sale -- another used bookseller -- and they're so damn perfect together. They're both people who have very strong senses of self, and didn't meet until late in life (he was in his late 30's I think, she was in her mid-40's), but are like -- wow. Really wonderful together.

Point? Not sure. Highly irresponsible to suggest that if it happened to this guy it'll happen to nimh -- who knows. But I always admired that about my friend, that his refusnik ways got him exactly where he wanted to be, eventually.

Yes - <nods> - but its not pride though, in my case. Its not principledness.

Like - re 2Packs' power drill - if I could get a big drill and hunt a bear with it - or something - I'd be happy. Definitely dont look down on it or anything - I wish I was like that. Its just not something I have in me. (Which is a pity even alone already because women like it if you do - hey, I've read GreenWitch's Man Card thread).

Likewise, I see no good and feel no urge to save myself for the right one - to wait until I find the One. I dont think there is such a thing, I think you can be happy with many people - and also, I'd be happy just with a roll in the hay now (or especially happy with that, more so than with a proper relationship I'm probably emotionally not quite ready for yet).

The problem I have - and this is probably what you recognised, where he and I are alike (question mark?) - is with this - playing the man role thing. Even if its not by hunting game, at least by exuding confidence. Hard for me to do because I dont have it. And I'm not principled - I dont think, though there may be residual dogma/pride hiding underneath - about refusing to play like I'm anything I'm not.... ok, I am. That too. But thats not the main thing. I'd love to be able to - go out, play that role, take the girl home (or however that works).

I was talking with a friend a few months ago (a girl) - and she basically said, suck it up - all you need to manage, is to act strong and empowered for the first X dates - once they've fallen in love you can always still be yourself. Well, I'm not doing her point justice, obviously - but I do think she was saying something about how she went about it herself (I know girls do this at least as much as guys, perhaps more).

But a), I'm physically not able to - I mean, chemically - to do the whole "pretend you're confident" thing. I try to make it so that I feel at ease in any given situation as much I can - because otherwise I get really anxious, up to panicky. I dont have panic attacks anymore like in the Bad Year Or Two back when - but a situation in which I was feeling I couldnt let show how I was really feeling because - for now, at least - I'd have to keep up the jovial, confident guy-guy routine? I'd be hyperventilating in the hallway pretending to have gone take a leak after 2 hours, seriously. I would be very unhappy.

You know what the little voice in my head (no, not that kind) has been saying, for years now? "I just want to go home..." Well, there is no more home to go to, so I try at least to make it so that where I am, at least, is homy. Not in my actual apartment, mind you - I'm bad at that, or at least, I have been bad at that here, in Budapest, mostly because I spend all my time outside - I actually had my place in Utrecht feeling really cosy in the end. But elsewhere. I look up friends and places where I can just kinda... not "hide out with", its not like that... but I dont have to worry. Theres no pretense, kinda. Which is probably why none of em sees me as someone to sleep with... and it makes me kinda angry that it works that way.

And - I was saying this earlier - I think its important. This is a problem I see with this one type of advice I get. But perhaps I'm wrong! I dont know. But this is the way it looks to me. Tell me. One of the main reasons I feel so shitty so often is because I am truly disgusted with myself sometimes - how pathetic I am, how - sensitive, emotional sometimes, impractical, intellectual/nerdy - vulnerable, in need of hugs not baseball games - and then the physical thing comes on top of that: how puny I am, how thin.

OK, so whats the problem? That I am thin, or emotional - or that I despise myself for being the way I am? My heart says the first, but my head (Ive gotten out of craziness that far) says the second. OK, so I should learn to accept myself? To love myself for who I am? Is that the way to regain confidence and thus, ultimately, success as well? But then how does the other half of the advice come in? If people tell me, well, go work out! Get yourself those abs! Then it sounds to me like they're telling me I'm actually right when I'm beating up on myself for being pathetically puny etc. Same with the emotional stuff. If inside, I often feel like a little boy lost - wich is I guess one layer of the problem - and then on top of that, I hate myself for being so vulnerable, so... unmanly, whatever ("boys dont cry", they use powertools) - and thats the second layer of the problem and perhaps the more acute one (question mark??) - then isnt the advice that I should just try to exude confidence and basically, well, act like I'm not actually feeling the way I do - doesnt that then just reinforce the feeling of guilt, SHAME...? Legitimise it, kinda, and root it even deeper? (Dlowan?)

I know what some of you are thinking - oh god this guy is WAY overthinking it - but trust me, I just formulated it as a matter of the brain because I'm better at that, but its very much a matter of the heart - or the soul - and I mean this question <frowns>.

Because in a way - just to add another layer of complication - in a way I'm glad I found (back) this little boy inside, even if he's feeling lost. I'd lost him for a very long time. A. found him back. We shared that, with each other. I dont want to push him away again, in shame or otherwise. Part of me is actually not ashamed of that side of me, and is rather just kind of - angry? helpless? - that people dont love him.

Sheesh. This is complicated. Sorry.

Not ignoring all the rest of you... but its early morning here, I have to cach a few hours of sleep.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 10:34 pm
Because in a way - just to add another layer of complication - in a way I'm glad I found (back) this little boy inside, even if he's feeling lost. I'd lost him for a very long time. A. found him back. We shared that, with each other. I dont want to push him away again, in shame or otherwise. Part of me is actually not ashamed of that side of me, and is rather just kind of - angry? helpless? - that people dont love him.
end quote/nimh

Yeh, that's what you walk with, or swim with. I'm all for that finding of self.

Fk confidence as an affect.
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 10:42 pm
I don't know when I've found it, this self thing. It's been an off and on development. I'm consistently a regrouping mess. I vascillate on this and that all the time, and am adamant about other stuff that I'll occasionally ditch wholesale if I decide to. Whatever, over decades I've understood myself more and can look outside my eyes more calmly.

Lot of people you may feel reserved about since you see yourself as vulnerable, are held together with far more fragile filaments than you are.
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