cyphercat wrote:P-dawg, I didn't know you're from NorCal! Cool. It seems like there aren't very many Northern Californians on a2k, although maybe I'm just missing them. Anyway, I'm pleased.

I'm on the north coast now, although I used to be in the Sierra Nevadas, kind of in the vicinity of Tahoe, Truckee, etc.
Well, I haven't lived there in a decade. It's been mostly Seattle and Madison, WI for us, and a little bit of time in Chicago. Oh, and a summer spent semi-homeless in Santa Cruz, which is an excellent place to be semi-homeless, camping out by the beach and going to sleep with the wind blowing and the waves crashing.
But you might actually know the place where I grew up, or at least have heard of it -- I was raised in Sonora, north of Yosemite, south of Tahoe. Built around gold mining (past and present), logging, and a little bit of tourism (130,000 people lived there during the Gold Rush, so there's a lot of old rotting stuff around).
Used to be a remote mountain town where you had to drive an hour to buy a pair of basketball shoes and people sometimes carried guns in bars. Now it's been stripmallified and people go tamely to take their alcholic refreshments at the local Bennigans -- or whatever the hell it is -- liberally decorated with artificial pieces of Americana manufactured by children in Malaysia to make soccer-dads feel sufficiently manly to choke down three microbrews before going to fall asleep at 11:45 in front of a big, bright television.
Like Sacramento.