Tue 14 Nov, 2006 11:05 am
Also, I never knew there was rettich in shopsky salad.
What the hell is a shopsky salad?
And, for that matter, what the hell is rettich?
Main Entry: Ret·tich
Function: name of foodstuff
: A vegetable which generally is not found in a Shopsky salad.
Jesus, what is this? Is that rettich? Who the hell puts rettich in a f*cking Shopsky salad??!
Most of the recipes or descriptions I ran across have feta cheese...
but I got sidetracked with this menu - where I didn't see Shopsky (shopska) salad was "enchanted" by the descriptions.
Now I have to find more on reddich... (radishes?) (radicchio?)
I googled shopsky salad and got no image results. But "shopska salad" got me this.
Is this what you're talking about? And is it "shopsky" or "shopska"? And I still don't know what rettich is....
Hmmm...this is turning into a many-faceted mystery now. Like a labyrinth, where every answer leads you to more questions...I'm now fascinated with the riddle of this strange bulgarian comestible.
Is there anyone on A2K who might unlock the mysteries of the "Shopsky" salad? I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I don't speak German... though I took German 1A some decades ago.
Looks like a general word like ingredient =
So, rettich is radish in PA Dutch..
and I did finally find shopsky salad in that menu, with balkan cheese. (I was originally too bedazzled to see it...)
I recognize the Polish redware. Shopsky is a word that means to "make into smaller bits" It can be a noun
"I could use some shopsky sald"
or a verb
"Shopsky this **** up, "
Reddich is a word that is not used in polite company unless you wanna get new dental implants.
And thats all I gotta say about that.
I know what Rettich is in German. Presumably the same as in Dutch. Usually, you wouldn't use it to insult someone, unless you're being really creative...
I didn't know "shopsky", though. Like it a lot. I'll start using it today.
Hmmm, are those grated radishes in Kicky's photo?
Shopsky salad, shopska salad, whatever - it's Bulgarian I thought, but it's probably more of a Balkan-wide thing.
Pretty simple. Chop (yes thank you, Farmer) cucumber, tomato, (spring) onion perhaps, and cheese - white, soft cheese, Balkan cheese. Feta works but is really a little too sharp in taste. Chop, grate or both. Oil, some but not much herbing, done.
I bought some "shopska salad" in the Rothschild today - and I eventually did find the one - ONE, literally one - cube of cheese - feta cheese - in it.
And alla this rettich. Which I think is kinda different from radish - that is to say, what in Dutch we call "radijs" (radish) are small, red thingies, and what we call rettich is long, thick and white.
And should not be in shopska salad.
CZECH out this menu. Im gonna book a flight just for this place
ayup, that's the same menu I posted...
for this place -
on radishes, daikon, the japanese radish, is long and white..
oops, sorry osso, I didnt see. I just ran a search and it came up