walter wrote :
Quote:Top residences cost up to $4,000 per month (plus extras), but you can get the very same service a lot cheaper as well.
If you run out of money, it's taken over by the local social welfare department.
it's somewhat similar here in ontario - and it may even vary from city to city , since it does not fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government - but they do provide "block grants" .
a friend of mine needed to go into a care facility after a serious stoke .
the best facility - operated by the city - told his wife that they had a rather long waiting list . when she told them that they would be happy to pay the full price , he had a room within two weeks .
by getting as many full-paying residents as possible , they can subsidize those that cannot pay the full charge .
the cost of a private bedroom with a semi-private bathroom (each bathroom is shared by two occupants) was about CAN $ 3,000 .
he could have gone into a private facilty at a lower cost , but that facility was not nearly as modern .
(our friend walter passed away in february after having been there for a year - he was 83 and had lived a very good life . his wife and his friends miss him very much but we all knew that the end was coming and noone , including his wife , wanted him to suffer for a long time . i guess that's life ) .