Re: Proof of God
OK, I'll try to help.
sandspider wrote:if there were no God, how do we explain ourselves as individuals.
This assumes we must "explain ourselves as individuals", whatever that means.
sandspider wrote: does creativity and talent and learning come from evolution?
Yes, of course. All these things are survival advantages. You ask with the assumption that this is obviously not the case.
sandspider wrote: if love is a chemical reaction in the brain then it is possible to make a pill to balance the chemicals of all people so we all love or feel remorse .
Here you assume that if tomatoes are really fruit, then all fruit tastes the same. It's a senseless sentence.
sandspider wrote:(just think one pill to stop crime)
One pill can mostly stop some kinds of crime. see above.
sandspider wrote:one pill to balance all the chemicals in our brains.
One pill could not do that, you assume a static brain when it is part of a dynamic system. You also assume all brains are identical and react identically in every situation.
sandspider wrote:someday maybe...but unlikely.
Nope, never. Not in the way you have suggested.
sandspider wrote: God gave us freewill and thoughts and feelings, life is not an accident it's a gift.
You assume a god exists. You assume your particular god exists. You assume you know what it is and how it works and what it's intentions are. You assume that if this god did not make you, then you are an accident. You assume your god gives gifts.
There you go. Quite a bunch of assumptions to deal with in one small paragraph.