dyslexia wrote:subpoena power is major.
and control of the purse strings.
Well, la dee da, already those fiscally responsible republicans bitching about tax increases with a $300,000,000,000 yearly federal deficit. Either you are for traditional conservative and republican government fiscal responsibility or you're against it.
You see that figure above for the yearly deficit, that's what's buried in the sand in Iraq.
Quote:"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
--John Kenneth Galbraith
I don't mind greed heads bitching that you don't want to share for the common good, but especially after your weird "free-market" dogma that "all public benefit issues from private greed" has been proven wrong in so many ways, how else will the bills get paid?
The Democratic Party tried amending GOP tax bills that gave away billions in tax reductions to the top economic 3% of the population. It was only through their insistence that the 2001 tax bill phased in gradually the tax deductions for the wealthy and front loaded the deductions for the middle class. Now the bill to the rich come due and it will make the deficit even worse.
I think those that have the greatest economic success in a society should bear a greater responsibility than those who do not.
That's not Marx or Lenin, its the greater part of the social faith of the three great Western religions.