My flashes are always in my peripheral vision. They are caused by the pull of the vitreous humour on the retina. Again, Nick, see an MD, I'm begging you. Farmerman has the car warmed up, let's go!
Nick, so this has happened since you had the lasik eval...?
when are you going back for the lasik? They'll want to look at your eyes again anyway before the procedure, why not now?
Ok, I just checked out the same phenomenon with a 25 year old lady and she observes the same thing! She also sees the star cluster from the corner of her eyes! But in her case she can "just barely see it" straight on whereas I can hardly see it at all. It must be some sort of trick of the eye.
NickFun wrote:Ok, I just checked out the same phenomenon with a 25 year old lady and she observes the same thing! She also sees the star cluster from the corner of her eyes! But in her case she can "just barely see it" straight on whereas I can hardly see it at all. It must be some sort of trick of the eye.
OK, Now you're just pissing me off.
You too, eh?
Maybe it's nothing, maybe it is, heckuva lot better to find out it's something earlier (when more can be done) than later (when you're more likely to be up **** creek).
At the very least, as Chai Tea said, don't you have to go back re: Lasik anyway? (And you're considering having lasers slice open your eyeball but you're too squeamish to go to the opthamologist to rule something out re: this galaxy business?)
slicing open your eyeball......mmmmm.....
Good thing you can feel it.....
I saw my opthamologist on Friday and he gave my eyes a clean bill of health. It seems I have pretty strong peripheral vision but my night vision is not as strong as it once was. The star cluster that I have been observing emits a wavelength light that is easily seen through peripheral vision but I would need a strong pair of binoculars to be able to view it otherwise. He said my eyes are fine. Phew!
OK, then, that's wonderful!
NickFun wrote:but my night vision is not as strong as it once was.
turning 40 is such a b!tch
Great (she says, letting out breath!)