Whistling in the graveyard...

Doktor S
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 05:31 pm
heph wrote:

I don't feel condemned.

I don't feel scared.

I don't feel judged.

I just feel hmmmm...

Free from others expectations.

Free from trying to be something I'm not.

Free from someone else running the show in my life.

Free from waiting for something good to happen.

Free to make something good happen.


Welcome to the party. We've been expecting you, you're right on time.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:06 pm
cyphercat wrote:
Heph, I'm just glad you sound like you feel good about the direction you're moving in.

My grandmother just passed away recently, which led me to be spending some time thinking about the big things (sigh) and while trying to deal with it, I read an article in Time about true faith, which I found very interesting and comforting. I personally find it unlikely that there is a god, but I don't rule it out entirely-- I'd certainly like it if there was some sort of benevolent spirit out there. Anyway, I found that this article beautifully expressed how faith ought to be, and made me feel good about things in general-- thought you might like it too. Here it is.

Have fun picking out a new screen name-- I'm with Greenwitch, something horsey seems right! Smile

Hi cyphercat. Smile Good article. Thanks. I have a whole new perspective on faith lately. I don't know if I can put it into words just yet though. Razz

I'm thinking of going with "littlebit" for a screen name. I had a miniature horse for a while. He was cute as a button and that was his name. I don't think I ever showed you all pictures. So I must show him off! He's such a little cutie!


Me and a regular size horse. (Just to keep size in perspective Razz)


Me and littlebit.


And a close up of him. Heh... He was so flipping adorable! Man I miss him. *sigh*

Raul-7 wrote:
I understand your frustration, everyone thinks they are on the right path but who are they to judge others? Live and let live. I just don't want you to turn your back on God. But anyways true faith is from the heart, and God guides who he wills.

Good luck.

Thanks Raul. Smile

echi wrote:
"I just feel hmmmm...

Free from others expectations.

Free from trying to be something I'm not. . ."

We can't choose what we believe. Not really. Sure, you could go on trying to convince yourself that something makes sense to you, but wouldn't that be like lying to God (if you believe in God, that is)? That can't be good! Anyway, "God" is supposed to love us for who we are, not who we pretend to be. (or so the story goes)

So, if you believe. . . then you believe.

If you don't. . . well, who are you trying to hide it from?

Heh... not much makes sense to me anymore echi. But why does it have to? :wink:

Doktor S wrote:
heph wrote:

I don't feel condemned.

I don't feel scared.

I don't feel judged.

I just feel hmmmm...

Free from others expectations.

Free from trying to be something I'm not.

Free from someone else running the show in my life.

Free from waiting for something good to happen.

Free to make something good happen.


Welcome to the party. We've been expecting you, you're right on time.

Who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket dok? LOL
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:16 pm
hephzibah wrote:
Yeah it sure is littlek... LOL

I am less than an inch from renouncing belief in God. No joke.

I have a question for the christians here in this place:

If God's love is so unconditional, why does He put so many conditions on "serving" Him?

When you are a parent, you will warn your kids about things that will hurt them and you'll tell them not to do these things.

It's pretty simple.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:26 pm

Who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket dok? LOL

We borrowed mindonfires entourage for a bit.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:26 pm

Who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket dok? LOL

We borrowed mindonfires entourage for a bit.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 11:27 pm

Who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket dok? LOL

We borrowed mindonfires entourage for a bit.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 12:02 am
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

[goddamn that was funny]
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:27 am
Hep-I consider myself to be a christian person-raised in the church, but no longer going to an organized church-for many of the same reasons you mentioned. Just because you don't go to church or label yourself from one denomination or another doesn't change what's in your heart.

Two verses I've carried with me through all my doubts and changes have to do with the question you asked initially - why does God put so many conditions on following him? I don't think he does. I think he makes it really simple in these two verses:

Michah 6:8 He has shown thee, oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to be just, love mercy and walk humbly with your God?"
(I take that to mean to walk humbly with whatever or whoever God is to you. Noone else can tell you what that means for you. I know my God seems to be very different than the God of alot of Christians I meet in church or for that matter, read about on this forum-maybe yours is too).

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
(I interpret that as saying it makes no difference what anyone does or says about you, or what you yourself do or say -it's all pretty obvious what you value or believe from the life you choose to make for yourself- not from verses you might have memorized or the values of someone else you might pretend to adopt-as it seems you're feeling pressured to do. Just be yourself. If you believe God made you - that should be good enough for him.
That's just how I've come to terms with all the inconsistencies. And in terms of hell- the God that I love and that I feel loves me is not going to hurt me. I believe that with every cell in my being- and I don't care who tries to tell me different. How can someone else tell you what you should believe-they're all just trying to figure it out too-and with less information about you than you yourself have- not very reliable authorities in my book.
I hope you find some peace of one sort or another.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:39 am
To put it really simply - you can believe in god without believing in church. I do.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 08:55 am
Doktor S wrote:

Who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket dok? LOL

We borrowed mindonfires entourage for a bit.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 08:56 am
Doktor S wrote:

Who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket dok? LOL

We borrowed mindonfires entourage for a bit.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 08:57 am
Doktor S wrote:

Who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket dok? LOL

We borrowed mindonfires entourage for a bit.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 08:58 am
echi wrote:
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

[goddamn that was funny]

Sure was! Razz
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 09:29 am
aidan wrote:
To put it really simply - you can believe in god without believing in church. I do.

I was just about to post exactly the same thing (well, except for the "I do" part).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 02:41 pm
aidan wrote:
Hep-I consider myself to be a christian person-raised in the church, but no longer going to an organized church-for many of the same reasons you mentioned. Just because you don't go to church or label yourself from one denomination or another doesn't change what's in your heart.

Two verses I've carried with me through all my doubts and changes have to do with the question you asked initially - why does God put so many conditions on following him? I don't think he does. I think he makes it really simple in these two verses:

Michah 6:8 He has shown thee, oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to be just, love mercy and walk humbly with your God?"
(I take that to mean to walk humbly with whatever or whoever God is to you. Noone else can tell you what that means for you. I know my God seems to be very different than the God of alot of Christians I meet in church or for that matter, read about on this forum-maybe yours is too).

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
(I interpret that as saying it makes no difference what anyone does or says about you, or what you yourself do or say -it's all pretty obvious what you value or believe from the life you choose to make for yourself- not from verses you might have memorized or the values of someone else you might pretend to adopt-as it seems you're feeling pressured to do. Just be yourself. If you believe God made you - that should be good enough for him.
That's just how I've come to terms with all the inconsistencies. And in terms of hell- the God that I love and that I feel loves me is not going to hurt me. I believe that with every cell in my being- and I don't care who tries to tell me different. How can someone else tell you what you should believe-they're all just trying to figure it out too-and with less information about you than you yourself have- not very reliable authorities in my book.
I hope you find some peace of one sort or another.

Thanks aidan. Smile Sorry I missed this earlier.

Peace is exactly what I'm looking for. Peace and quiet. There are a lot of things that most of you don't know about me concerning my "walk with God" that I have kept under wraps for a reason... because it's unbelievable, and probably quite nuts.

I've had dreams and visions since 1998. Most that have come to pass. Some of which is seemingly in the process of coming to pass right now. Talk about a strong influence on someone's mind. I thought it would stop when I stopped going to church, when I stopped reading my bible, when I stopped praying.

Just last week I had a dream I saw the battle between heaven and hell.

I haven't read my bible in over a year. Nor prayed sincerely. Though I have set foot in a few churches, there are some things I just haven't been able to get away from it seems. I am tired of having a tormented soul. I am tired of seeing things, hearing things, and even predicting things I shouldn't be able to.

I'm sure it seems that I'm just walking away from "God" because I had a bad marriage. Though admittedly that has played a part in it, at this point it is really just the excuse I'm using to leave. I do know that and I don't care. I want out. I want to become just another face in the crowd. That's all. Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 06:44 pm
What's with the mouse? This is all turning a bit hickory dickory, Dok.

Hep, good for you . If I could be so bold....you don't have to stop following the example of Christ in your dealings with people if you don't really want to. It's mostly a good example. I try to do so where I can, and I'm an raving atheist. Just live your life on your own terms, it's nobody else's but yours and it's the only one you get!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 07:01 pm
ever since this thread started, something's been bothering me

the phrase i know is, whistling past the graveyard, as presented here by tom waits

Whistlin' Past the Graveyard

well i come in on a night train
with an arm full of box cars
on the wings of a magpie
cross a hooligan night
and i busted up a chifforobe
way out by the cocomo
cooked up a mess a mulligan
and got into a fight

whistlin past the graveyard
steppin on a crack
i'm a mean motherhubbard
papa one eyed jack

you propably seen me sleepin
out by the railroad tracks
go on and ask the prince of darkness
what about all thet smoke
come from the stack
sometimes i kill myself a jacket
suck out all the blood
steal myself a stationwagon
drivin through the mud

whistlin past the graveyard
steppin on a crack
i'm a mean motherhubbard
papa one eyed jack

i know you seen my headlights
and the honkin of my horn
i'm callin out my bloodhounds
chase the devil through the corn
last night i chugged the mississippi
now that suckers dry as a bone
born in a taxi cab
i'm never comin home

whistlin past the graveyard
steppin on a crack
i'm a mean motherhubbard
papa one eyed jack

my eyes have seen the glory
of the draining of the ditch
i only come to baton rouge
to find myself a witch
i'm-ona snatch me up a
couple of em every time it rains
you see a locomotive
probably thinkin its a train

whistlin past the graveyard
steppin on a crack
i'm a mean motherhubbard
papa one eyed jack

what you think is the sunshine
is just a twinkle in my eye
that ring around my fingers
just the 4th of july
when i get a little bit lonesome
and a tear falls from my cheek
theres gonna be an ocean in
the middle of the week

whistlin past the graveyard
steppin on a crack
i'm a mean motherhubbard
papa one eyed jack

i rode into town on a night train
with an arm full of box cars
on the wings of a magpie
cross a hooligan night
i'm-ona tear me off a rainbow
and wear it for a tie
i never told the truth
so i can never tell a lie

whistlin past the graveyard
steppin on a crack
i'm a mean motherhubbard
papa one eyed jack
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 09:06 pm
real life wrote:
hephzibah wrote:

I have a question for the christians here in this place:

If God's love is so unconditional, why does He put so many conditions on "serving" Him?

When you are a parent, you will warn your kids about things that will hurt them and you'll tell them not to do these things.

It's pretty simple.

Parents stop loving their children if they do things that hurt them.

Good parents don't threaten their children that they will stop loving them if they do things that hurt them.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 09:07 pm
Oh my gosh, Littlebit was the cutest thing ever!! I am having a desperate need to hug him....so fuzzy...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 09:08 pm
djjd62 wrote:
ever since this thread started, something's been bothering me

the phrase i know is, whistling past the graveyard


it's crazy-making every time I see the thread title

(and I haven't been able to find any basis for 'whistling in the graveyard' and did find a fair bit re 'whistling pas ... ' at phrase origin sites)
0 Replies

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