aidan wrote:Hep-I consider myself to be a christian person-raised in the church, but no longer going to an organized church-for many of the same reasons you mentioned. Just because you don't go to church or label yourself from one denomination or another doesn't change what's in your heart.
Two verses I've carried with me through all my doubts and changes have to do with the question you asked initially - why does God put so many conditions on following him? I don't think he does. I think he makes it really simple in these two verses:
Michah 6:8 He has shown thee, oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to be just, love mercy and walk humbly with your God?"
(I take that to mean to walk humbly with whatever or whoever God is to you. Noone else can tell you what that means for you. I know my God seems to be very different than the God of alot of Christians I meet in church or for that matter, read about on this forum-maybe yours is too).
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
(I interpret that as saying it makes no difference what anyone does or says about you, or what you yourself do or say -it's all pretty obvious what you value or believe from the life you choose to make for yourself- not from verses you might have memorized or the values of someone else you might pretend to adopt-as it seems you're feeling pressured to do. Just be yourself. If you believe God made you - that should be good enough for him.
That's just how I've come to terms with all the inconsistencies. And in terms of hell- the God that I love and that I feel loves me is not going to hurt me. I believe that with every cell in my being- and I don't care who tries to tell me different. How can someone else tell you what you should believe-they're all just trying to figure it out too-and with less information about you than you yourself have- not very reliable authorities in my book.
I hope you find some peace of one sort or another.
Thanks aidan.

Sorry I missed this earlier.
Peace is exactly what I'm looking for. Peace and quiet. There are a lot of things that most of you don't know about me concerning my "walk with God" that I have kept under wraps for a reason... because it's unbelievable, and probably quite nuts.
I've had dreams and visions since 1998. Most that have come to pass. Some of which is seemingly in the process of coming to pass right now. Talk about a strong influence on someone's mind. I thought it would stop when I stopped going to church, when I stopped reading my bible, when I stopped praying.
Just last week I had a dream I saw the battle between heaven and hell.
I haven't read my bible in over a year. Nor prayed sincerely. Though I have set foot in a few churches, there are some things I just haven't been able to get away from it seems. I am tired of having a tormented soul. I am tired of seeing things, hearing things, and even predicting things I shouldn't be able to.
I'm sure it seems that I'm just walking away from "God" because I had a bad marriage. Though admittedly that has played a part in it, at this point it is really just the excuse I'm using to leave. I do know that and I don't care. I want out. I want to become just another face in the crowd. That's all.