Sat 28 Oct, 2006 04:51 pm
I've always taken that phrase as meaning you are in a place deemed as "scary" and so to try to distract yourself you whistle a happy toon.
This thought came to mind today at lunch with a "christian" friend of mine. She let loose on her opinion of my recent change in lifestyles. She told me "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL ROBIN, DON'T YOU GET IT? DOESN'T THAT SCARE YOU?"
Errr... no. Not so much anymore.
Especially coming from someone who just had an affair less than a year ago on her husband, and has told me of countless incidents within HER church of people having affairs, breaking up marriages, and singing praises to the "Lord" the whole time.
But it's ok for them you see. Because they repented.
Is that suppose to convince me of the reality of "hell"?
Christians apparently don't REALLY fear it, so why should I?
Whistling in the graveyard.
That is all that is happening within the church lately.
It's a dead place, with a bunch of dead people, trying to preach "life" to each other.
Nice to see you, Robin. How are you?
Good to see you too gus. Doing fine. How you doing?
Wow, that's a pretty heavy change of heart!
Poignant, heph.
Your 'friend' sounds a bit intense.
Hmm, most of my friends would see going to hell as a good thing! It's all about perspective, I guess.
It's always nice to see you, you know that.
Yeah it sure is littlek... LOL
I am less than an inch from renouncing belief in God. No joke.
I have a question for the christians here in this place:
If God's love is so unconditional, why does He put so many conditions on "serving" Him?
It's a good question, Heph. Not being christian, really, I'll pass on trying to answer it.
Hey flushd...

Good to see you too. Ummm intense... maybe... however self-righteous is the first word that comes to mind for me really. LOL
Now... to wait for an answer to my question.
I do hope someone will take that on.
It's ok littlek. I understand.
hephzibah wrote:If God's love is so unconditional, why does He put so many conditions on "serving" Him?
who says he put the conditions on it, my beef with religion has always been, that it is more the domain of man than god, i'm not sure if there is a god or not, but i figure if i want to find him, i can make my way through me and my own heart and not through a building with a cross on top, or through any number of preists, ministers, deacons or archbishops and the like
Re: Whistling in the graveyard...
hephzibah wrote:I've always taken that phrase as meaning you are in a place deemed as "scary" and so to try to distract yourself you whistle a happy toon.
This thought came to mind today at lunch with a "christian" friend of mine. She let loose on her opinion of my recent change in lifestyles. She told me "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL ROBIN, DON'T YOU GET IT? DOESN'T THAT SCARE YOU?"
Errr... no. Not so much anymore.
Especially coming from someone who just had an affair less than a year ago on her husband, and has told me of countless incidents within HER church of people having affairs, breaking up marriages, and singing praises to the "Lord" the whole time.
But it's ok for them you see. Because they repented.
Is that suppose to convince me of the reality of "hell"?
Christians apparently don't REALLY fear it, so why should I?
Whistling in the graveyard.
That is all that is happening within the church lately.
It's a dead place, with a bunch of dead people, trying to preach "life" to each other.
It looks as if you are starting to see things as I see them.
Ut Oh!
Well Hepi, according to my aunt, the sure fire way to get to hell is to have sexual relations other than the "missornary position" of sexual intercourse. I have whistled in many a graveyard. No regrets.
Well, that's a good point djjd. To answer your question though... the bible does.

Well christians make up a few rules along the way too. LOL
Better watch out. I'm looking to steal your throne.
heph wrote:
Better watch out. I'm looking to steal your throne. Twisted Evil
Thrones are uncomfortable. You are more than welcome to join me on the sofa in front of the bigscreen, though.
hephzibah wrote:Well, that's a good point djjd. To answer your question though... the bible does.
and the bible was written by men (and perhaps a few women), men who set the direction of the churches i so distrust
as i said, if there is a god, i'll seek him my way, and put my trust in whatever results come from it
And I wish you the best in that pursuit.
by the way, i've clicked okay about a thousand times and nothing happens, you might want to try and fix that :wink:
LOL I'll get right on that. :wink: