Mon 23 Oct, 2006 03:16 am
Re: a2k team at Fantasy Congress created
Wouldn't you know I found the dang thing? I'm here, dear!
Fantasy Congress?
Fantasy Congress? I hope it's not based on the current corrupt bunch of worms!
I'm just waiting to see if there is any interest. If not, then I will cancel it.
sue, we know way to much about Congress! Now, if we applied the principles of football to the November elections - with a decisive quaterback....
I want my tv back!
i wanted to join sumac's team, but it wants a password from me. can you tell me what it is?
sue, whats the name of your team, what number on the chart is it located, and do we need your password?
it's #2: a2k team....but you gotta get a password from sue.
Thanks for the info, Dag.
sue, i clicked 'join this league' for sumacs team, and then entered password - then was entered as my own team!
i'm in a2k league as well. started to build my team.... i know so very few of the senators, shame on me.
Ah well, we'll have time to figure it all out when they open it up to the public (us) to play with.