Gorgeous photos!
Looking forward to seeing the anti-critter tomato-protector, eoe.
I just went out and snapped a few photos with sozlet's digital -- not great quality but gives an idea...
Photo is dark -- the coleus stands out more IRL. (Coleus, potato vine, impatiens.) In a container on my deck.

This is a weird little area in my backyard -- an old stone low wall and some brick paving underneath, overrun by ivy now. Someone told me it may be where they burned garbage back when the house was built (20's). I like the ruined aspect though I might cut back some of the ivy. The impatiens get big and billowy and the whole thing looks cool in a month or two (I did this last year too), it's early yet and they're kind of lost right now.
Closeup of impatiens with birdbath.