Made a dash to both Home Depot and Lowe's for annuals. Didn't get much but did find a Japanese maple, just a sprig, for 14.95 and two cannas for the front entryway. But the variety is missing in the flowers. All I seem to see are petunias and impatients. Geraniums. Maybe it's still early in the season?
Several of my so-called annuals in pots from last year are returning. The vines I used as accent plants and some flowers too. That always astounds me. Makes me soooo happy.
Got the tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers and squash planted last week. Hubby working on devising a way to keep the squirrels out of the tomatoes. They really kicked my ass last year. Don't think I can bare a repeat.
We lost a hosta this year. Dug down deep and couldn't trace hide nor hair of it. It was a six-plus year old plant. What could have happened to it?
I found a new nursery last week. It had mostly all foliage plants, shrubbery, trees, but beautiful species that you don't find at Home Depot. I bought several, peperomia, begonia rex, bridal veil, prayer plant, plus some little cacti.
I managed to plant one big pot with geraniums and sweet potato vines earlier today, dodging raindrops. The sun has come out now so I think I'll go out and pot some more.