Planting two of these in my back sandpile (aka garden) this evening -
Forestiera neomexicana - a native shrub or small tree, usually multitrunk. Yes, that means it suckers. I can deal with it, gives me a new hobby.

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Planting two of these Vitex in front garden, not this evening. Still have to figure out where - and move some sand around/amend. Not sure if I'll treat them as shrub or trees - also still thinking about some other possibilities for small trees in my small yard. But, hey, they were available in one gallon cans, a simple savings of a lot of money.
Vitex agnus-castus - a mediterranean native that grows along the south and west of the US.

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I've a good photo - better than I've seen online - of a series of these trees in front of a horticulture building at our local botanic garden. Superb... photo is on a disc, which I'd put on this computer before, but then lost the hard drive. Will re-find the photo sometime soon.